mothers home - Shik

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I shot up as my tired ears heard my dinner alarm for Jasper, Tak was standing outside my bedroom door, he grinned at me and showed me some bags, "come here, I got ya something" he said, I got out of bed and followed him out, being sure to turn off my alarm, he showed me a wooden box that was in one of the bags he had left at the door, it held a door handle and lock.

He then led me out of the front door and showed me a new door against a wall, "it opened the back door so I thought you'd like a Daer proof front door" stated Tak, I stared in disbelief, "thanks but you didn't have to" I pointed out, he just shook his head, "I'll get it attached while you and mum see each other" stated Tak, he walked inside and shoved his bags in the closet and went into the lounge, "I'll cook dinner, you go feed Jasper" offered Tak, I laughed to myself, "sure."

Once dinner was done I brought Jasper in, he seemed curious at the fact Tak had made a bed of the couch and looked at me with those strange eyes, I made sure to care for his paw.

I went to bed fully expecting Jasper to follow me into my room, but to my surprise I heard it enter the hallway, maybe I had meanly convinced it that it couldn't sleep with me, and with my slightly wounded pride, I fell asleep.

Knocking, insistent and loud, my mind immediately knew it was my mum, I ran from my room and reached the door at the same time as Tak, we swung open the door and greeted her, she immediately mothered me, asking all these ridiculous questions like if I had been bathing and eating, she then noticed Jasper, who sat watching, he had his back against the wall, my mum rushed over and lifted him up and twirled him, he gave a bark of freight, he fell limp for a few seconds before he moved again, looking awfully frightened, I gently told my mum to take it easy, she seemed so guilty so I decided to make my best breakfast, I'll even give Jasper his own serving.

I called Jasper in by his name and he listened, but I knew it was probably my tone of voice, he came when I called him a few days ago so it makes sense, he looked at his bowl happily, but a wariness seemed to have taken hold of him, I chose to let him be and talk to my mum and friend, Tak was talking about some guy who did something, I don't know I was distracted when he explained that part.

We all heard a door close, Tak and I convinced mum that Jasper had probably gone out to the backyard, and after a while Tak began working on the door, mum and I were talking about all kinds of things but then she brought up money and I had to leave "not you too!" I had said and stormed off, I headed for the backyard, Jasper wasn't in sight, I looked around in confusion, I then headed inside and checked each room, he was gone, my sweet Jasper was gone.

"Mum! Tak! Jasper is gone!" I shouted, the all hurried to me, Tak seemed thoughtful, "say did you move the box with the door knob in it.. At the door?" He asked, I shook my head, "I never touched it!" I exclaimed, Tak stared at me wide eyed, "say do you think he.. Used it to reach the door handle?" Asked Tak, I didn't know but that seemed the only logical solution.

"Look, I'll ask neighbours, mum can you get on the phone with shelters and ask if they had any calls about a roaming Daer," set up Tak, he looked at me softly, "you can go searching... maybe the jungle path were you found him" decided Tak, he didn't need to tell me twice, I bolted out the now empty doorway, except for building supplies of course, I kept calling and calling.

This pet of mine was something I could not lose, it's keeping me distracted and already giving me days of joy to be around.

Houses passed and people did to, some watched me pass, others ignored me altogether, and I was still shouting, the jungle path was close to my house but never had it felt so far, I knew I was being to quick with my attachment, but that's how I was, I once had another pet who I fell in love with instantly but sadly it was killed in an accident, I didn't want to lose another!

My shouts echoed through the jungle, I slowed down and decided to inspect the path and the surrounding jungle so I made weird directional decisions and suddenly I heard my pets frightened howling, I ran forward, shouting loudly for him and stopped, my pet was running from a Ghost, a pet animal, it was probably a stray, it was chasing my pet playfully, Jasper looked so scared, cowering at my feet, the Ghost purred and rubbed against my hand, I patted it softly, Ghosts were amazing predators who didn't kill anything smaller than itself unless there was nothing else, it prefers having smaller things to play with and large things to eat, this made them great guard Ghosts, they'll protect their owners and any other pets while fighting off any massive threats or even owner sized threats.

Jasper was whimpering softly and shivering, I felt so sad for his species, so fragile that they even fear the last creature they should ever fear, I kept patting the Ghost, muttering soothing words to Jasper all the while, unsure on how to help Jasper grow more trusting to these great beasts.

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