A mimic pet - Shik

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I jolted awake as I heard Tak's horrified shout, I hurried out of bed to find Tak carrying a rather upset Myka to the bathroom, she was whining and barking and blood seemed to be coating the lower regions of her fur substitute, despite the cold horror that ran through me I knew I needed to distract my precious Jasper.

Once I had Jasper captivated by the TE I rushed back into the bathroom, Tak seemed to be having a freakout and had somehow successfully removed the fur substitute even though Myka looked like she wouldn't let anyone near her, she was whining and barking as Tak kept trying to lift her into the bathtub, "come on, we need to clean the blood, Myka please, I don't want you to bleed out to much"

"Hey, it's ok, it seems to be coming from her... Lower regions, pretty sure the vet said it will happen, you just call the vet, and I will try and comfort Myka alright" I offered up, Tak nodded slowly, freaking out wasn't something Tak did, normally he was a lot more cool minded, thoughtful.

"Hey, what's been up with you? You've been confident with her from day one, don't forget, I didn't let Jasper near my neck until you brought up the video, you've seemed to have completely forgotten to chip her, that's not like you" I asked, he sighed and left the room to grab his Fone.

I shook my head and began to stroke Myka's natural fur, she was irritable and kept trying to bat at my hand, but she wasn't being aggressive.

"I just... Envied you and Jasper"

I looked at the doorway and saw Tak's face, he seemed so sad, he then turned away and began to call the vet, envious? He's been envious? I'm such a horrible friend I didn't even realise he was acting different...

Jasper came in, he was his usual soft, timid self and Myka reacted to him angrily, before becoming more sad sounding, they yapped and barked some more before the vet finally arrived.

It was difficult, pinning down the howling pet, the fluid in the needle finally working its magic, she was placed once more on the portable table and the vet began using some strange equipment to prod inside of the Daer, before passing Tak a packet, and putting something inside of Myka, "you'll need to change these at the least twice a day, that's the least you should change them, and you will have to use these special pliers, as using your hand is both unsanitary and dangerous for the Daer" explained the vet.

I soon noticed Jasper was gone, so I quietly excused myself and looked for him, I found him in the kitchen, scratching into decorative cake things with a fire starter, it was a cool tool, you scratch it into the fire plate which will catch fire then you throw it into a fireplace or campfire and watch as it catches fire to the wood and sticks, and that's not something for a pet to play with.

I scolded Jasper with a stern "no" and took everything away, he looked sad and began to leave the kitchen, but I needed to check him over first, he can't have such easily flammable stuff on him, I picked him up and examined him, "now please" he said, he said the two words poorly, but I understood, the poor thing must think the words are one whole word to mimic, I couldn't help myself, I burst into laughter.

"Please" I said slowly, I sat him on the bench and grinned as he struggled to repeat it, he was like a bird, mimicking me, "now" I said and he repeated it as best he could yet again.





Tak called me after a few more words, I commanded Jasper to "stay" and went into the bathroom, Myka was wearing a new fur substitute, and sat on the table irritably, "ah ok, your both here, now, this will continue to happen, we can attempt to get her neutered but seeing how difficult and potentially life threatening as neutering females is much harder and there is no vet who is trained in it yet, the second is pregnancy, we've concluded that this has something to do with their reproductive system, and so the only real 'cure' is either neutering or pregnancy" explained the vet, this information was a surprise, I helped the Daer off of the table and onto the floor, immediately she ran off.

"There's no real official breeding station, you'll find people offering out their males or females, and its not advised to trust them seeing as a Daer's young is extremely vulnerable and loud, you'll find a few places who have tried to start up business in the breeding segment but yet again, its all up to you and seeing as the situations so unusual not many laws have been made towards Daers and their breeding, and as us vets are still finding out new things daily, it'll be a while before we can be of substantial help, I apologise for not being able to be more helpful" explained the vet.

I looked at Tak who was looking his feet, I sighed, "we'll look at all our options" I finally said, "thank you" muttered Tak.


I left him on the bench!

I excused myself yet again and went in to Jasper who was looking rather unhappy, I picked him up and hugged him, "house?" He said in a sad way, I held him closer and gave his forehead a kiss, he was truly a precious pet.

Authors note: this chapter goes out to narcisscus12

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