Day out - Byron

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I glanced back at my owner, he was walking behind me and clutching my leash tightly, I glanced at Cecilia and she was still a few steps ahead of me, she was practically dragging Bob around, "why are you being like that?" I asked her, we were walking on a path which was lined by houses on one side, and on the other was a park, "because! It's been so long since we've been out of that house! I need to move more!" She complained, I chuckled and watched her speed walk.

We were brought towards a park further along than the one we had passed, this one seemed more modern and well used, I gazed at everything, the path was swept and the grass was perfectly mowed, various structures stood and even something that resembled a playground sat a few feet away, this was the furthest we had ever walked, I watched as the people of my owners species walked about, it all started when one looked at us, then we were surrounded by cooing and adoring fans, well I guess strangers who find a pet adorable.

My owner happily talked to everyone, he gave me a slightly worried look, maybe he thinks I'll freak out? Well yeah it's unnerving to be surrounded by loud creatures who are far taller than yourself, but at the same time I knew he wouldn't just let anything happen to me, I know it!

After all I am his pet.

They tentatively patted me and I allowed them, Cecilia was more reserved about it, "you're insane to be so cool about this!" She whined, I rolled my eyes, "think of us like the dogs everyone wants to pat" I explained, she sent me a glare and looked away.

My owner said the word he had called me, I looked at him and waited, his eyes met mine and he seemed happy, everyone began to leave Cecilia alone, she huffed her approval.

We sat on a bench seeming to be waiting on someone, my owner walked away as he began to talk on his phone and Bob tied us to the bench, and the next thing I know is there's a huge face in my own, I freak out and squish myself firmly against the bench, the creature was the type that had chased me when I had escaped, my heart beat picked up dramatically.

It gave me a lick with a cat like rough tongue, the gesture was similar to a dogs, but I wasn't about to let that sway my opinion, Bob seemed to be talking to someone, the creature wore something like a harness and it had a leash which one of my owners species were holding onto, the owner of the creature looked at me and chatted to me, I shrunk away further, finally the owner called off the beast and I felt slightly better, she leant in front of me and offered me her hand, I didn't approach her but I didn't try to get away any further.

My owner came jogging over, he quickly said something to the other owner who seemed rather apologetic, she gave me a gesture with her hands and walked off with her beast, "so that's what scares you?" Asked Cecilia, "its a freaken cat, bear, dog hybrid thing!" I exclaimed, she smiled at that, "oh you're fine, it didn't seem aggressive at all" she said, it was my turn to send her a glare and looked away.

"Didn't it freak you out?" I finally asked, she gave me a cheeky look, "sure did, but it didn't seem to appear aggressive" she explained, I gave her my best perplexed look, "but you were acting like our owners were going to kill you" I told her, "yea well I'm better with animals, like farm animals and pets, which I guess includes us somehow" she stuttered, "but its an unknown animal" I said, I wanted her to give in and admit that she was and is scared of the beast, she just rolled her eyes as if I was the idiot.

My owner stood up and waved at someone, this someone had much darker fur and curved horns, she hurried over to us and in tow was a human, a man to be exact, he looked around 19 to 21 and had signs of growing facial hair, his eyes were hazel and his hair blonde, he was yanking on the leash, even after making eye contact he continued resisting the one walking him, my owner greeted her and the man looked at us with wide and terrified eyes, "more people? How many are there" he asked, I shrugged my response and Cecilia made a 'I don't know' noise, the man sighed in defeat, "what going to happen to us?" He asked quietly, I felt bad for him, well I feel bad for everyone in this situation, I wanted to offer my reassurance but didn't want it ending up like how it did with Cecilia.

Byron a Human Pet StoryWhere stories live. Discover now