Easy lessons -Shik

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I tried to be the best I could, being sure to feed him and give him water and cuddle him, there's no way I'm going to let him turn out like he did for those two weeks, I'd hate to have made him dull once more.

Tak and I gave up on making our picnic once we finally got Jasper to eat by gently pressing food against his lips, I needed to get him into a home environment, he seems content in places that have four walls.

Tak walked his Myka and I carried Jasper to the campsite, I sat him by the wagon and set about packing everything up, only halfway through did Tak convince me we needed to make food for lunch for both us and his pet, so we did, and we ate our food quickly, Myka ate slowly, seeming quite sad.

I can't get caught up in her feelings as well, it'll all get better when we get to Tak's house.

Once we had packed away everything I looked around me, the campsite was a nice size, the remains of the fire now a wet pile of coals, the grass flattened at certain spots and it seemed so weird, so empty, what had I done wrong?

I carefully lowered my precious Jasper into the cart and gave the sad looking Myka a quick pat, she seemed so concerned for her friend, I turned back to Jasper and hated the lifeless eyes that gazed back up at me, I hugged him and gave him a loving kiss on the head, telling him what a good boy he was.

Tak's house was so close and now I could even hear my Jasper yapping in his adorable way, I sighed and felt the fear start to fade, once we hit the doorstep I carried him to the backyard, hoping he'd feel happier in such a familiar place, he seemed confident so I left him there, I placed out several baby bottles of water then began helping out with unpacking, Myka spent a lot of time on the couch.

"So let's start training tomorrow, if they have someone to tell them what to do, it might make them more confident" explained Tak, I nodded along, he frowned at me, "hey, it'll be fine, he seems better already don't be so down" comforted Tak, not very successfully.

"Oh and what are you planning on doing after this?" Asked Tak, he looked worried, as if he feared I'd leave him alone with a spirited pet which he adored but it obviously needed to trust him more, "I'll hang out with you, we need to work together" I said in fake joy, he gave me a relieved grin and sat beside Myka who tucked her legs in.

As night came I was far to excited to cuddle up to my Jasper, I'd been worried about overcrowding him throughout the day so now was time for me to release all that need, he seemed happy to snuggle into me it warmed my heart and I didn't want to let go.

Training time, I stared into the eyes of my Jasper who was waiting for his morning meal, I held the can and said his name, he stepped towards me, I repeated "sit" he didn't understand which made sense, so I awkwardly began miming the whole process of sitting down, luckily Tak was beside me doing the same for Myka or else I'd feel so much more foolish, it was amazing to see him finally get it and did as he was told, I jumped up and clapped in my excitement "good boy! Good boy!" I said in my best baby voice, Tak was not far behind me, it was amazing seeing that they can learn simple commands.

They were now fed and had gone toilet so we carried them into the bath, Myka was loud and unhappy, Jasper was persistent in trying to copy me and clean himself, but I couldn't let him be the only one to clean the area he had cleaned, what if he had something around his parts that had caused his reaction yesterday, I'm not going to stop trying to keep him from that upsetting reaction to whatever he had reacted to.

Myka sounded bitter and angry as she growled to Jasper as Tak dried her, he shrugged at me and I sighed, unsure of how to help the two.

We carried the two outside, I grabbed a head piece I had left hanging on a hook outside and put it onto Jaspers head, I'm not going to let him get cold, and this seemed warm enough of an edition to the fur substitute.

Tak opened the tin he had  brought out last night and grabbed some treats, I grabbed a few and told my Jasper to sit, he responded quickly, I handed him a treat, he is such a fast learner! I noticed Myka disobey Tak but I wasn't going to butt in, this is what he wanted to do, I decided to teach Jasper to stand, so that I wouldn't feel guilty for removing him from my lap whenever I have to in the future, it took some embarrassingly awkward actions till he made an attempt, he did it!!

Myka wandered off, Tak seemed thoroughly defeated at this point, "she hates me!" He groaned, I didn't comment, not because I agreed but because I was having so much guilty fun teaching Jasper to sit and stand on command which he was doing amazingly.

I stopped my commands and Jasper looked so happy as he lay down in the sun, I glanced up to see Tak hesitantly rest his head on Myka's belly, she gave him a small almost pat and then relaxed, I opened the door quietly and reached in to get my phone, I began walking as close as possible, which made me accidentally get the attention of Jasper, I took a few photos before deciding to take some of Jasper and I, so I lay beside him and held up my phone, he didn't seem to agree and instead curled up against me which made my heart swell with love, I still took the photo and it was such a great photo, his auburn fur and creamy almost pink skin were complete opposites of my dark fur and skin, but it seemed to fit so well.

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