dancing, training and time- Byron

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Life was both hectic and simple, everyday after Cecilia and I woke up, we'd be 'trained' to sit before a meal, 'shake' for a drink, which is really us putting our hands on our owners and them starting to gently grip the hands and gently lift and lower them in a gentle handshake kind of action, I did my best to do as I was told, I didn't want to let him down after all.

Today was like any other over the week, sit, shake, eat and go toilet I'd be lying if I said I wasn't growing bored, which was weird for me, but I've noticed Cecilia grow more distant and sad, and it's not like I'm good with being helpful so I've just given her space, at bedtime she'd gotten into the habit of leaving 'Bob' and sleeping on the couch.

So in my boredom and way of giving Cecilia space I explored the backyard, I'd had no reason to not explore over the week I've just not felt like exploring, so now all I'm doing is walking around a well manicured backyard with its gardens and trees, they did move in a ball on the string game, and some weird thing screwed into the wall but other then that I've been left to grow content and bored which is never a fun thing.


I looked around and heard the faintest sounds of sobbing, so I investigated, I finally found Cecilia in the lounge room, she was rubbing her eyes desperately and sniffling, her eyes met mine and she began apologising as if she wasn't allowed to have her own break down, but I'm not good with other humans emotions, so I sat beside her thinking until my mind began to hurt, but it came to me like a cat pouncing on a mouse.

Dancing! She said she liked dancing!

I stood up quickly which made her jump in surprise, I held out my hand sloppily, desperately wanting to make her happy again, "wanna dance?" I asked, my voice squeaked in my desperation and she let out a small laugh, "I'm no good with freestyle, but I uh know the fancy one, waltz? Or something like that, the one that couples dance, my brother taught me!" I rushed, she smiled now, I was feeling far to self conscious but I wanted to do this.

To my surprise she took my hand, we sloppily swayed around, "why did your brother teach you?" She asked, I felt my face break into a grin, "he wanted to embarrass me, thought that he'd teach me wrong so I'd mess up with someone. This was his party, it was a family school event kind of thing? Yea, but um mum found out and made me and him dance the couples dance, we actually had a lot of fun, he did the full tilt thing to me and everything we still fought though but that kinda really improved our relationship as brothers" I explained fondly, she smiled softly at me, she hugged me tight and sobbed into my shoulder, we kept moving, thinking of my brother reminded me of his tactics with dealing with an emotional me.

"Everything's always going to be fine, even if you never get out of a situation, as long as your alive, your capable of getting shit done" I recited, copying my brothers saying of course removing the parts where he'd say he'd fuck up anyone who dared bully me or the parts where he swore non-stop, she gripped me tighter and used my weird clothes as a tissue, "Gross!" I exclaimed, she laughed at herself and let me go, rubbing her eyes some more, that's when I saw my owner and his friend in the doorway, my owner walked over and grabbed my hand, he spun in me in a circle in the dance move, he repeated a word before repeating the action, 'circle' or 'around' I think he means, 'Bob' had gotten Cecilia into a comforting hug and attempting to bottle feed her, I wanted to laugh at her discomfort as she tried to get the bottle off him.

My owner repeated the word, this time not holding my hand, so I spun around and gave him jazz hands, he didn't seem as impressed as I'd of hoped, but I don't care so I reached out to him and let him pick me up, he hugged me and I rested my head on his shoulder, thoughts of my brother didn't make me sad, there was a weird relaxation in my mind, as if knowing that I'm alive to think about my brother makes everything all better.

Authors note: sorry for the wait again I've been very busy and life's been hectic, but hey I'm getting a kitten so life's pretty great.

Anyway this is important, we need to fill up the rest of the year! Now someone's already offered me an idea of what they want to see and I'm happy to bring in the scene they've asked for, now here's the fun part, basically if there's an event or something you want to see happen that won't ruin the plot or is within reason I'd love to use that idea to fill in the year, as I was previously planning on skipping through the rest of the year.

The ending is basically planned but all the in between can be reader influenced, this is also because having told a reader the story is close to ending, I decided to bring more into it.

Most chapters can and will be in Byron's view, but if you want a Shik chapter about a certain thing I'd be happy to consider it, have a great day/night guys!

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