Intruder - Byron

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Another week has passed, Cecilia is surprisingly happier which felt like a great feat, while my owner or 'Fred' had been reinforcing the 'circle' or 'spin' command, and Cecilia has only just started trying to actually listen to commands.

For now we're home alone, 'Fred' and 'Bob' have left for whatever reason and they thankfully aren't taking us, I'm outside enjoying the sun, Cecilia is messing around with the toy on the wall, which turns out to be a simple puzzle/board game like toy which just involves moving objects around a board but its vertical and the objects are inside the board so it's actually quite weird, but she likes it for some reason.

The sun is bright and pleasant and I can just see the faintest shape of a moon being seen through the light blue sky, the clouds hung heavy but of course there's still plenty of blue sky, the wind picked up and the trees started billowing about, seeing this I decided to walk inside, why would I want to be outside in the wind in such a cold area?

The door had a doorstop thing in the way to prevent the back door from completely closing and locking us out, I opened the door and made sure that as soon as I had passed through, the door didn't decide to suddenly close, and once I was confident in it staying slightly open I headed further in, the walls were white, the carpet was dark grey, it was relatively barren except for the few black and white cubes, which held photos and fake plants.

I headed to my bedroom and snuggled up in the blankets, it had some hairs on it and I ignored them despite my past annoyance of pet hair on furniture, I guess when you become the pet, you kinda don't want to be denied this kind of stuff, besides its not my hair, and I'm not in charge of cleaning.

I woke up to a door slamming, there was the distinct sound of Cecilia calling me and the gentle sliding sound of a tail on the ground, there wasn't the familiar sound of 'Fred' calling my name, there wasn't 'Bob' whistling, there was just the sound of a tail.

I peeked around the doorframe and saw nothing, so I crept further out and traveled along the short hallway which reached the kitchen, the sound of footsteps grew louder as did the swishing of the tail, Cecilia's voice was getting louder and boy did she have a pair of lungs on her, a dark blue figure rounded the corner, it was one of the creatures, I don't know it, it's eyes met mine and it was making nervous soothing gestures as if it was trying not to have me attack or yell at it, its clawed hands reaches out in a gesture of 'its alright' but the tense situation told a different story.

I backed away one step, another, and another, it kept approaching in its wary way, I didn't want it anywhere near me, it took a larger step and I bolted down the other way, the house is good, as this hallway reached the front door and beside the entrance is the living room which had a shorter hall which led to the  laundry, the bathroom, then kitchen, so I ran into the living room, it was giving chase, my smaller frame was able to take corners better than it and so I now had a larger distance, I started calling out unsure of what to call my owner as I've never actually called him anything official yet, "Fred!! Owner! Master! Master!" I pleaded loudly, I rounded the house to the kitchen and saw the back door was closed, so I went back to my starting point.

I made eye contact with it as it approached me again, I dove into my bedroom and tried to slam the door in its face, but it caught the door and I hurried to the bed, I didn't know what to do!

My hearts beating so fast.

It wants me to be quiet.

I won't be quiet.

"FRED! MASTER! OWNER!" I shouted again.

It dove at me to grab me.

I rolled away and tried to get passed it.

It predicted that.

I paused and fretted, my heart was a drum and I needed to give it a beat.

A humans greatest asset, any earth creatures greatest asset is adrenaline.

Right now I'm filled up with the stuff and suddenly my head cleared.

This was an intruder.

He's in my owners house.

I felt my face contort into a vicious face, I'm cornered and even though I could never hurt someone or thing that hasn't intentionally hurt me, I can still scare them and that's all I can do.

Adrenaline, improves strength, sight, hearing, reflexes, its a humans greatest super power and I plan on using it.

It took a step forward and i fake lunged, it froze on the spot, then backed away from me, so I narrowed the distance trying to seem as threatening as possible, it hurried out of the room and I followed, not wanting to get close, but also wanting to prove my point, it struggled with the front door, suddenly the door flung open and it ran off at top speeds, I immediately relaxed and walked out, watching it bolt away, my owner stood a short distance away looking so confused, so I ran over to him feeling surprisingly proud of myself, I grew a backbone and I used it.

He picked me up and held me close, gurgling in his language, my body was shaking now as the adrenaline was starting to recede and all I was beginning to feel was a strange exhaustion and calm take over me.

Authors note: DannyPhantomFan this is for you! As you are the one the one who offered this idea, I hope you all enjoy it!

I'm still open to receiving ideas as I'd love to have readers involved in this story, plus I'd hate to go to the end and not have shown how our characters react to situations you want to see put forth!

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