Making a pet part 1 - Shik

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I woke up thinking of the animal outside my door, I felt awful, like I had somehow hurt its feelings, but I couldn't let these feelings control me, I opened the door slowly and watched my pet wake up, it looked at me and then bolted away, but I had hope, because it stopped and glanced back at me, and continued watching me, but it still kept its distance as I approached, I decided it probably needed to go toilet so I opened the door and pushed myself against the wall to give it enough distance to feel safe, I gently told it to go toilet and wait for breakfast, it crept past me before running outside and to its bush, I decided to get its food and water ready, it would be best feeding it outside for now, to allow it to not feel cornered in my house.

I carried the meat and vegetable food chunks and the water out to the Daer, it went to the food and ate with its paws, before drinking the water, I decided I should check on the area to see where I would have to pick up its droppings, but as I checked it seemed to have buried its droppings to my surprise, I glanced back to see it gone, I slightly freak out, I glanced in the bathroom before my room, and it was cutely snuggled up in the blankets, but I needed to deal with its injury, glad I had grabbed the ice wrap from the bathroom, so I guiltily removed the blanket, it hesitated but let me remove the brace to put on the ice wrap.

I heard my Fone ringing, the creature didn't seem to be able to hear the annoying and high pitched tone of the preset ringtone, this surprised me, but I left the room and removed the device from its charger, it was my friend, "yo, dude! I called up to your mums and apparently you got yourself a pet!" Exclaimed my friend, I rolled my eyes, yea my friend was weird, he's my mums favorite and he is pretty awesome, "again, why, you're such a mumma's boy to the wrong mum!" I groaned, he merely laughed, "nah, I like to think I'm just her better son" he teased, I decided not to make a comeback, "so why are you calling me because of this?" I asked, he chuckled on the other end of the line, "come on, you're like a brother to me, and knowing you're bringing home a potentially dangerous animal, I've gotta be concerned" he purred, I laughed softly, "yes I have a pet and so far it seems to timid to be dangerous" I stated, I went silent, "you've had it for like two days? Maybe three nights? That is so not long enough to make such an observation" he pointed out, I frowned, "how'd you know that?" I asked, "dude, you call mum whenever something happens like really soon after" he pointed out, I nodded at the truth of that statement, "anyway dude, I'll be there in a few days, peace out!" He stated, I didn't bother checking if he was still on the line, I knew he had hung up.

I returned the Fone to the charger and checked in on my pet, it was on the bed and staring out the window, I approached it slowly, it seemed tense and hesitant but it didn't run, and it didn't flinch when I gave it a pat, I looked out the window and revelled in my success, this adorable creature was actually letting me pat it!

I spent a while enjoying the relaxing moment, my hand trailing along its head fur and back, it was such a stress relieving thing to do, but my mind began to wander and I realised I still needed to get so many things done, like buy stuff for my pet, especially food, all I had been giving it was chopped up vegetables and mixed meats from my left overs, which I purposefully left for my pet.

After some more time I decided it would need to go toilet so I left the room and opened the door, I began calling it, experimenting with many names "Jasper! Um Bean! Um Timi timid!", it soon poked its head out, and seemed to understand the purpose of my calling, it crept past me and went to go toilet, I decided I would get ready for the approaching night early and let my pet spend some time outside, there were a few texts on my Fone from my mum and my friend.

My bathroom smelt of disinfectant while I showered, the food I ate was a lot less than usual and my bed was a mess, but that didn't bother me, I liked these changes that made my home feel like a home and made me feel ever so important, I spent a while chatting to some other friends over text as they were less crazy than my main friend, but some were pretty close to his crazy.

After the sun began setting I decided to feed my pet, I went outside and refilled its bowl, before watching it sleep, it woke up with a shiver and made eye contact with me, I watched it go to its food and begin to eat, than it drank the water.

It then walked past me into the house and onto the lounge, I followed it, the Daer was looking out the window, I decided to turn the TE on, the creature jumped in surprise at the noise and I decided to change the channel, there was a show on about these creatures, I watched my ones reactions, its seemed curious enough.

The show was great, it explained that these creatures were talented and great pets but the issue was with how difficult it was training and taming the wild creatures who run away any chance they get, the show explained that theses are clean pets who can eat a large assortment of food as well as be able to create substitute furs. Intelligence seems to be judged by how warm the substitute fur is, if its super warm then their better at survival and more intelligent than others of their species, while ones like mine are considered less intelligent and poor survivalists although another person in the show said age could be a better explanation, but the show ended by asking the viewers questions, about the ideas of the episode then they just rolled credits.

I turned the TE off, being sure to give my pet a warm pat and headed to my room, I shut the door and changed my bed, as it was dirty due to the dirt on my pets fur substitute, I exited to find the poor thing outside my room again, I gently picked it up, glad it didn't struggle,  I bathed it and cared for its wounds which seemed remarkably healed so far, I then redressed it and put it on the couch, I quickly left for my room, trying to restrain my desire to bring the poor thing to bed, it was like with any pet, if its safe sure, but dangerous than no, and a wild animal is dangerous until proven otherwise, my bed greeted me comfortably and I did my best to ignore the animal outside my door.

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