Murderous intent - Byron

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The next day was pretty boring, at least the first half anyway, I had pissed myself in my sleep and was feeling terribly ashamed of myself, but soon strangers came in, they opened the cage, I refused to move due to my embarrassment, but they lifted me and carried me out, I whined and complained, being sure to struggle but not fight, I didn't want to annoy these strangers to much.

I was carried to a small garden area, where despite my best efforts to hold in my need, I went toilet before everyone, it was awfully painful to my dignity.

They then carried me to a sterile looking shower room, they removed the strange clothes and bathed me, examining the scars left by the scratches, I was beginning to despise being here, but I convinced myself not to make a fuss, I can't have them thinking I'm dangerous or difficult.

Once I had a new set of clothes put on me, they carried me to the cage, which smelled freshly cleaned, there was some food and water, I hated how bitter I felt over all this, but I also could understand it, this was worse then how I was treated by my owner, they weren't abusing me, or neglecting me, worse as in for my already miniscule dignity, so yea a boring morning.

After some time of the strangers giving me test pats which I reluctantly allowed, I heard familiar gurgling, I stood up and avoided the hands of the strangers, they had the cage door opened to pat me so I dove out and stood by the door, I just wanted to get home, even if that home was some creatures house.

I almost jumped as the door opened and my owner looked down at me in surprise, he picked me up slowly at first before gently spinning in a circle, holding me against him, I couldn't help but hug him back, he wasn't leaving me!

Wait... When did I become this fond of him? Sure he's been great, not throwing me out when I was in my depression, but for some reason, I have grown to quite like him, and it kind of scared me. He gave me a kiss on the top of my head, I couldn't believe it, this was new, I knew it was a pet thing, I even gave the family dog a kiss on the head before, it was just weird for me though.

I was carried out of the room and taken to another room, a speaker in the room sent a gurgling voice in, my owner placed me down, and leant against the wall, I watched the opposite side of the room, a mechanical sound echoed in the room, I watched as something opened up to reveal a human girl, I recognised her from the TV show, the one who was shown assaulting the creatures, she rolled over and examined me, she gave me a grin.

"Huh, this is new, welcome I guess" said the girl with a deadpan expression, I felt awkward standing here, "hi" I said back, she rolled her eyes and stood up from her laying position, "what's one of those in here for?" She growled, I looked at my owner, "uh, I guess he's my owner now?" I said with uncertainty, she sounded malicious, and I didn't want her near, but she approached despite me mentally telling her to stay away.

"You've got to be kidding me, what are you its plaything? Or did it force you into such a position, such strong, big sized things need to be taught their place" she growled, her words confused me, "what? Uh I don't get it, did they try and hurt you?" I asked a part of me feeling immediate concern, "no, because I never let them, you're just weak, I see why you'd make such a great plaything for such monsters" she mocked, I felt my face heat up, how dare she make such assumptions!

"So you have never given them a chance, you've just been.." I stopped myself remembering the pictures on the TV "trying to strangle and stab them!" I yelled, I felt so mad at the naive fists first attitude she had, she nodded with a smile, "correct! How'd you know!" She exclaimed looking at me in shock, I just shook my head and instinctively stepped in front of my owner.

"What's this? Are you attempting to shield the monster? What a fool! It'd probably kill you once its over you, or else give you to another, do you not see how disgusting you're being!" She yelled, she then dived past me, "No!" I snapped, I tackled her down and shoved her away, she was acting so sane about this! What was wrong with her.

She's human.

Right, humans fear the unknown, its just fear creates different responses, violence, a drive to start learning, fleeing or fearing if fleeing is an unachievable action.

Then why was I defending my owner, my fondness and respect were definite answers but I couldn't help but think maybe I actually fully and completely care, because humans do defend things they respect or are fond about, but this anger over this girls attempted assault was way to angry.

She gave me a look of shock as she got up, she approached me and gave me a nasty look, my owner looked concerned and wary when I glanced back at him, the girl and I delivered aggressive words and swear words that'll make our mothers cry, but she finally backed down, heading back to her beginning area, "once I break free, I'll come for you, I'll off that monstrosity and free you from your stupidity" she promised, I snapped a final rude phrase and her areas door closed.

My owner picked me up, he was shaking a bit, I guess seeing two 'wild' animals fight over you is something to get nervous about, my owner cradled me against him and reached a desk, another creature stood and spoke with my owner, I enjoyed the comforting fur, sleep overtook me peacefully and without fight.

I woke up as we were driving away, and I was carried inside the house once we got home, my owner showed me some big differences, like my own couch/bed, something I could drink out of without feeling embarrassed and new clothes and so much more, but I didn't get a chance to fully examine everything as he carried me to bed to just hold me close, I did whine and complain, but he looked so content, I couldn't deny him this, besides it felt nice.

Why was I fighting this, if this is all I have of life now, why should I fight the good parts? I still want to get home, but I needed to accept this for now, luckily it is getting so much easier.

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