The woods - Byron

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3 days, just 3 days we spent at that house and already I'm being woken up by another damned quad bike engine!

I looked around me and saw the world blur by, my tired brain unable to distinguish anything, the sun was rising and my owner was patting my head rhythmically, I closed my eyes and waited for the ride to end.

I blinked rapidly as I was woken up by my owner lifting me, I looked around in surprise, had I really just made myself fall asleep? I looked at the house we had stopped at, it was far more 'modern' looking but smaller then the house we just came from.

I was held close to my owners wonderful fur and yawned obnoxiously, he carried me through the house, it had a black and white design along with a creamy colour dotted around, maybe he's taking me to see someone, we weren't stopping so I hung loose and gazed around, he opened a double door which led to a backyard, he placed me down and I looked around for other creatures or at least a reason to be out here, wait he couldn't have seriously just brought me here to go toilet, could he?

I shook my head in disbelief, and headed to a bush, I could hear Cecilia's voice and tried to be quick about my business. Once I did that I looked at my owner who was talking to his friend, the friend was putting Cecilia on the ground, she was complaining to herself about the unfairness of the situation, "why so early!" She whined, I had to hold in a laugh, "no idea, maybe they don't want us distracting the driver?" I guessed, she pouted and grumbled before going towards a bush.

I hung around my owner hoping I'd get an answer for all my questions despite the language difference, he was unhelpful, giving me a pat then walking inside, I tried following but the door shut and I couldn't tell how the door actually worked, it looked like a push door but wouldn't push and it didn't slide so I gave up and headed to a small garden, it held flowers and weird plants.

The air was cold as always and I really wanted to go inside, these strange clothes don't seem to come with jackets, disappointingly, the friend was pacing about as if he was impatient, so I approached him and waited, he finally noticed me and gave a gurgle before picking me up, I happily enjoyed the warm fur.

I was jolted out of the warmth by my owner, he had grabbed me out of the friends arms, his hands under my armpits, "hey!" I exclaimed loud enough to get my annoyance across, I twisted my head to look at my owner who had the most hurt look in his eyes, "oh my god really?" I mumbled, he held me against him and I muttered a small "sorry" because I don't want to upset him, he's been to kind for me to do that, I wriggled around until I had my chest against his, and attempted a hug,

I was carried inside and watched carefully at how the door was opened, I didn't understand, he pushed it! It opened and now I don't know what to think of my own strength, I'm no muscle man but I'm not noodle armed either.

We were carried out to the front yard, a leash was connected to my waist collar which was tied to a strange wagon, the same happened to Cecilia, she gave me a look of confusion and all I could do was shrug, my owner and his friend began pulling the wagons, Cecilia and I were forced to follow, we didn't talk and just looked at the wagons, they held several bags and rolled up things.

"Camping!" Exclaimed Cecilia, I stopped and looked at her, our owners must have stopped as well because while Cecilia was looking at me she didn't notice the paused wagon and fell amongst the equipment, "uh, you ok?" I asked, the two creatures made some gurgling laughing sounds, "how do you swear in their language" she asked innocently, I felt myself brighten at that question, her face appeared from the middle of several items, "that's easy" I purred out with more eagerness than I had expected myself to have over this subject.

Cecilia is a quick learner, the faces of the two creatures seemed to clearly show their shock at our swearing knowledge, the friend said a firm word, Cecilia gave him a look, was he actually trying to discipline us?

The friend walked over and lifted Cecilia out of the wagon and waggled a clawed finger in her face, repeating the same word firmly, my owner was looking conflicted, the look a parent has when their child swears and doesn't know what the word is, the look of disappointment alongside the unmistakable twitch of lips indicating withheld laughter.

The friend walked back to the pull handle of the wagon and began walking again, he was shaking his head at my owner, I looked at Cecilia who was fuming, "what's with the angry face?" I asked, she glared at me, "hello! I was just scolded! Like a friggen toddler just because I wanted to learn how to communicate" she angrily said, she fumed through the whole walk, not answering my questions about her saying 'camping' out of nowhere.

The trees were huge and the paths seemed well worn in the wooded area we had walked into, we traveled along till we reached a creek, the water flowed quickly and the birds were alive with chatter, Cecilia seemed to completely shed her anger and suddenly looked more like an amazed child, the wagons were stopped and the creatures set about making tents, I watched and tugged on my leash, they set up a middle area, it was a smaller tent with a portable fence surrounding it, "seriously" I grumbled in disapproval.

After all this trust I've been trying to gain I still have to stay in a bloody enclosed area, its not like I'd survive if I escaped, I was untied and lifted up, I tried to grab my owners arm in an attempt to persuade him not to do this, but it was futile and he placed me in, sure I could try and climb the fence but then that would only break trust, Cecilia was placed beside me and she frowned at the friend, "so he pushes me around a bed then encloses me in this stupid enclosure this is ridiculous" she grumbled, "are you ok? You're really bitter right now" I stated nervously, I hated dealing with angry people.

"No, I'm not, I'm tired because of the early morning and not getting much sleep due to someone's inability to sleep in a permanent position, I got scolded for communicating my frustrations, and now I can't even enjoy nature!" She yelled, I backed up in surprise, "I'm pretty sure the tents for us to sleep in, why not have a nap now" I stuttered, she sighed, "I'm sorry" she whispered, she headed into the tent and shuffled about, the two creatures watched with worried looks.

I waited for a while and watched the two set everything up, they were making a campfire area and they even had a small sized portable table, this was growing boring so I stood up and headed into the tent and saw Cecilia lying down amongst comfy looking blankets, I lay beside her and apologised for my inability to be somewhat good at paying attention to what she's going through.

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