camping trip part 2 - Shik

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I set up the fire while Tak collected the food from the cooler in the cart, he wrapped up the food in special foil, filled a special pot with water, he placed in the meat and sat it in the middle of the fire before sticking a rod through the handle and placing both sides of the rod on sturdy logs, I managed to get a flame going and now we have a fire which would make any camper proud.

It had taken us some time to get everything sorted and now we needed to sit down and have a rest, we watched the fire and waited to introduce the vegetables to the pot, Tak started talking about work and some of his friends, apparently one of his friends was going to be a father, "that's real good for him!" I responded, I kept myself positive, I hated the thought of Tak feeling upset.

I soon noticed movement from the childproof tent and watched my precious pet come out, "Jasper!" I called, I loved how he responded to his name so well, he approached the fence and I quickly let him out, he followed me loyally to the fire, I sat down and lifted him onto my lap, he sat happily and I patted him wanting so badly to just hold him here forever, he barked at the female who stood at the fence, Tak had since fallen quiet, I watched him let the Daer out who came to sit by me much to my surprise, Tak sat near us and looked so rejected, I sighed and listened to the animals nonsensical communication, I looked at a bag I had on the floor, realising I hadn't fed them yet, so I grabbed out a Ghost berry, titled as such because Ghosts love these berries.

I was glad to see Tak give his Daer a berry, "what are you going to name her?" I asked, he gave me a confused look before giving me a 'oh' face, "Luna? Sasha? Maybe Harley or Cookie or something" he stuttered uncertainly, I nodded at him, about to say my opinion but my fone began ringing, so I gently put Jasper on the ground and went to quickly tie them to a tree so they couldn't run off and answered my fone, apologising for the time I took, I watched Tak walk off with his fone, I smiled to myself knowing he's probably looking up names.

It was mum on the fone, she wanted to tell me she was sorry for not being home during my three day stay and began going on about 'end day' a celebration were people gave others presents to celebrate the year that has passed, it also involved big meals and family get togethers, all the while I watched the pets investigate everything and seem to enjoy themselves, suddenly a Gar ferret snaked out of a rock and scared my poor Jasper, "love you mum, bye, yes love you, bye bye" I rushed, I put my phone down and hurried over, Gar ferrets are disgusting creatures who are known to sneak into houses and steal food.

I was making a fool of myself, but I hated these things, I held my Jasper to my chest and kept moving, the female Daer was making a snapping noise with the rope and advancing on it, the Gar ferret fled, I felt both embarrassed and happy, I stared at the female not knowing that Daers had such way of getting rid of pests, though it makes sense, they did have that weapon that the employee of the research centre used on himself.

I could hear Tak laughing in the background, but first I wanted to praise the Daer, she seemed content with being patted, Jasper seemed just as surprised as me, but seemed to communicate in a playful way, Tak was still laughing, "oh real funny" I grumbled to myself, Jasper headed to the campfire and Tak came towards me "you've gotta see this" he started, he placed the phone in front my face, it was a news article, it was about a pregnant Daer that was found struggling to survive, "the Daer which researchers are calling Hope was found in poor condition, it is not known were it had come from, and although having the Daer is a great way for researchers to learn about reproductive habits, the Daer itself seems greatly distressed and protective of its unborn young, more will come once the young has been born" I read aloud.

Tak gave me a knowing look, I was slightly annoyed by the article as it had shown pictures of the Daer looking so clearly upset, Tak clicked on a video and placed it on the small table, Jasper and the female came and watched, the female seemed unhappy about what she saw, I couldn't blame her, the one on the phone seemed so unhappy, it was whining and barking, I knew it needed the care and I to was interested in what the young looked like, but the poor female was definitely distressed, I examined the female, it was looked different to Jasper and Tak's female, the pregnant one almost looked older and I couldn't explain how I had decided that.

The video ended with a message, "though it is unknown when it will birth, it is expected to be somewhere to be a month and it seems to only birth one per pregnancy so stay alert for an update" Tak gave me a shrug, our pets were extra lively, the female seemed to be quite frightened, but somehow she calmed down without needing mine nor Tak's help, "oh and I'm calling her Myka" Tak said taking me by surprise, "that's a good name" I acknowledged, he gave me big smile, "its time to add the vegetables" he added, I nodded, "oh and while I do that can you grab the baby bottles for the Daers they haven't had anything to drink yet" I asked him, he gave me a nod and headed for the cooler on the cart, I smiled softly at Myka who was walking to the fire, "Myka, that's a real fitting name" I quietly cooed.

Authors note: its pronounced mee-ka sorry for any confusion

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