Camping trip part 1 - Shik

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"Let's go on a trip" Tak said, his face was serious and his eyes pierced into mine, "um, a trip? Isn't it a bit... Um out of the blue?" I stammered, he smiled brightly and stood up, it was early morning and our pets were enjoying their breakfast, "a camping trip is a great idea!! It's good for us and good for the Daers, trust me!" Exclaimed Tak, I didn't know if he was right or not and I didn't want to cause stress for the poor pets, but so far Tak has been nothing but helpful with my Jasper, so I hesitantly agreed to the idea.

That was yesterday, and now we have two carts of camping gear, yesterday was a blur in my own mind, the big pet shop, the rustic camping and fishing store and of course the walk to each place.

We had the supplies and wagons taken to Tak's house which sat amongst other fancy houses, and here I stood in a perfectly well kept backyard waiting for Tak to arrive, my Jasper hanging around behind a bush probably going toilet.

The back door opened to reveal Tak, "yo!" Called Tak, he put his pet down who was making quiet yipping sounds, "so uh, how long are we going camping?" I asked, Tak gave me a shrug, "dunno, we come home when we want I guess, oh and when we get home, we need to crack down on training" explained Tak, I frowned at that, Jasper was hanging about my feet and watching me, I gave him a pat and headed to the backdoor, I stuck a claw into the hole and pushed the door open, I needed to go toilet and make myself a snack.

When I went back outside I saw Tak holding my Jasper who looked quite content, I felt so many emotions, but one stood out, I was Jealous, sure I felt afraid but I was Jealous, he's my pet and I don't want him to like anyone better then he likes me, I walked over and picked Jasper out of Tak's arms, my Jasper made a loud bark and some part of me was quite upset about this, I had hoped he'd know I was there, but he didn't seem bitter and even made some other yips and cuddled up to me, I gave Tak a smile, he rolled his eyes, "seriously dude?" He commented before walking over to the female Daer.

I headed to the front yard and carefully tied Jasper to the cart, he seemed unsure of the situation, but I trust him to be good, Tak and I began pulling the carts, everything was pretty quiet, I kept glancing back at our Daers but they didn't seem flighty or nervous.

Suddenly a loud bark sounded and we stopped to look at the female, she wasn't looking forward and tripped into the cart, Tak and I couldn't help but burst into laughter, the scene was hilarious our pets Yipped and suddenly my Jasper poorly spoke the swear word he knew, the female copied him and repeated the word with a frustrated tone, Tak shook his head "naughty!" He firmly said and headed to the female, he lifted her out and scolded her again, I felt so conflicted, the female seemed to grow unhappy and then Tak headed back to the carts handle, "you need to teach him manners" stressed Tak shaking his head at me, I didn't reply I knew he was right.

We finally reached the camping spot, I felt worried for the female as she seemed quite frustrated and tense, but I didn't bring it up, we set up our tents then the children's tent set, as we couldn't find a Daer tent so we got a child one to keep them safe and from running off, I placed Jasper in guiltily as he seemed to want to be held by me but I needed to set everything up, I went a small distance away to get my bedding set up, there was growling and barking, I looked over to see the female growling then start howling angrily at my Jasper, I wanted to run over there but stopped myself, Jasper didn't act like he was in danger and he gave a small noise, she headed into the tent, Tak glanced at me and back at the tent.

I went about setting things up, knowing we would deal with the situation once everything was done, soon Jasper entered the tent as well, "I sure hope they never breed, we really don't know how to deal with them now, imagine a pregnant one!" Exclaimed Tak, I rolled my eyes, "I don't think they will, besides we don't know enough about their mating habits, but with a good guess, I'd say they won't, as most creatures show when they want to mate" I explained simply, Tak let out a small huff, "yea, let's hope your right" he grumbled, I could tell by his stiff shoulders and shaky hands that he felt guilty, he knew that the female only became so upset after she was scolded.

Authors note: hey guys! The new cover for my story is from girlie_sparrow! A huge thank you to you and it looks awesome!

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