Changes - Byron

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Once my owner had finally released me, that is he seemed to have drifted off to sleep and gone limp, so I wriggled away, and quietly got off the bed, I couldn't risk waking him as I fully planned on taking advantage of this moment, not in the sense of escape, but to be alone in an area which I can freely explore and not a cage.

My first plan of action was go outside, I needed to go toilet and I, was for the first time, looking forward to doing my business behind a bush, luckily the door hadn't been altered, so I could easily open the back door.

Once that was over, I looked at the small cubby, the cosy looking bed and blankets, all seemed welcoming for a day time nap, but the idea of staying outside didn't fit well with me, this place was always slightly cold or freezing, there's no way I'd get any sleep, and I didn't half mind sharing the bed with the creature, as it's fur was so soft and kept me nice and warm.

The next item of interest was the ball on the string I used to play with this kind of thing with friends when I was a kid, we'd have tennis rackets and try to hit each other with the ball, as I lost myself in my memories, I began swinging the ball and having it wrap around the pole then speedily unwrap itself, it'd be a lot more fun with something to hit it with.

After I wiped my eyes and forced myself to stop reminiscing, I was not going to start bawling my eyes out, I may miss my childhood and friends but I'm fine, plus people still, well did refer to me as a child before I came here even though I am 15 and not 10, but I guess this doesn't count as childhood, either way, I needed to shut my mind off from these thoughts and memories, it wasn't doing me any good.

I walked away from the toy and headed back inside, closing the door behind me, at least I tried to, as I hooked my hands onto the side and yanked it towards me, I had to quickly move my hands and get out of the way, the door made a firm clicking sound as it closed.

I headed to the lounge room, the carpet was so thick, I lay down and felt the comfortable material, I didn't do this for long, as I was beginning to hear my owners voice, I was glad for the distraction as I could feel the memories and thoughts beginning to edge into my mind and I didn't want to face them yet.

I then sat on the new couch, it wasn't anything special, just a couch with an extra soft dog bed like cushion to sit on, I could still hear my owners voice, he was probably on his weird phone, but I wasn't planning on checking, so I hopped off the unexciting couch and headed into the kitchen, I sipped on the straw to the water dispenser, my joy over the change was a relief, as was the cool liquid flowing down my throat, there was no food in my bowl and although I did like the stand it was apart of, I just wished there was some food there, as I was starting to feel hungry.

My owner had stopped talking so I curiously went to the bedroom, he was sitting up in his bed and yawning, nice to see that's something they do here, I laughed quietly to myself, his eyes fell on me and I for some reason felt quite awkward, standing in a doorway, laughing to myself, maybe my awkwardness would make sense in front of other humans but he is not human.

He made a gesture, one that anyone would guess means 'come here' so I approached him cautiously, hoping he wasn't planning on confining me back to the bed with cuddles, I mean I enjoy having the kindness of a friendly cuddle but it really isn't what I want right now, I want something to eat.

He lifted me up, I groaned out an 'oh great', but he sat me in his lap and continued on his phone, it was a strange device, with a screen at the top, but the bottom part wasn't delicate like the screen, it looked almost like a small carved rock, which is what is used as the touch pad, to avoid their claws from scratching the screen, I'm just surprised at how well it works.

We sat there for a bit, he would occasionally pat my head, but then something popped up on the screen, I wished I could understand what was going on, on the device, as along with strange symbols everything seemed to have an odd design, my owner gently lifted me off his lap and gave me a pat, I watched as he rushed out of the room, I followed him to the front door, he looked at me thoughtfully before shaking it's head and gurgling something, he ruffled my hair and left the house, this was my first time 'home' alone since I got here.

The sky was darkening, why did he leave? I just want something to eat, I sat in the kitchen waiting somewhat patiently, maybe he just forgot to get my food, but I've never seen him buy 'pet' food and my food has always resembled his, I shook my head, now was not the time for thinking about the facts.

It felt like forever although it was only about 15 minutes, but he arrived back and began calling for me, I was beginning to recognise the phrase that must be my given pet name, "hurry up!" I groaned bitterly, ok I know I am being ridiculous, but I'd grown used to being fed on time, everyday.

He entered the kitchen, seeing me by my bowl, I gave him my most unhappiest face, he actually laughed at me! With that strange gurgling sound, he spoke a little before grabbing a can from the fridge, he began looking at it with interest, before shrugging and emptying it in my bowl right in front of me, it was chunky, with an odd liquid, I gave him a look, this did not look like what I usually got fed, but my stomach seemed to be demanding me to forget about the difference.

I picked up one of the chunks and took the tiniest bite, my owner was watching me with interest, I really hated being stared at, the taste had a somewhat meaty flavour, and the aftertaste was almost like broccoli, I ate the rest of the chunk and began eating, slowly, because I felt self conscious being stared at, this food wasn't as good as what I used to be fed, and even my stomach seemed disappointed.

My owner grabbed my hands once I finished the meal and instinctively I yanked my hands back, but it was a futile effort, he used a wet cloth on my fingers and hands, I looked at my wet hand and looked back up at him, I had gotten used to eating foods which weren't very gooey or juicy, instead the food was usually either soft and slightly moist or hard and crunchy, so I haven't had to clean my hands in some time.

My owner then went to the fridge and began looking through it, quietly I walked out of the room, I headed to the bathroom, and managed to get the door open, I looked at the sink and decided to use the bath as a stepping stool, my owner called me and I ignored him, I reached for the sinks tap before stopping and looked at the bath, I'm such an idiot, I can just use the bath tap, so I hopped into the tub, and tried twisting the tap.

My owner made a noise from the doorway and lifted me up, I froze thinking I had done something wrong, I knew he had already cleaned my hands, I just wanted the liberty of doing something like this on my own, but instead of going off to put me in the closet, he poked my nose and undressed me, he put the clothes onto the shower which I couldn't reach, I frowned, and tried figuring out what was happening.


He thinks I want a bath doesn't he? I tried ducking passed him so I can get to the bedroom and slip on clothes I can actually reach, but he stopped me and gurgled something before walking out and shutting the door, I didn't bother opening the door, the whole situation felt ridiculous, if he was going to bathe me, that'd make this the second bath of the day, a morning bath and a night bath.

He took awhile, but when he came back he seemed happy, so he began filling up the bath with water, I watched him cautiously, this was my first bath, were I can actually have a reason to avoid it, previously I was injured, and the one or two times he bathed me when I was depressed, but right now I was clean and fully aware of the situation, I closed my legs to hide my privates and watched him happily go about setting up several bottles of what must be special stuff for me.

I was fine with my hair, I was fine with my neck and shoulders, I was unhappy with my belly and back, and I would always push his hand away from my privates even if he was a few centimeters to close, he looked at me confused, but I didn't want to make eye contact, I grabbed a sponge and began cleaning myself, my owner clapped his hands and gave my wet hair a pat, this was so degrading.

After the bath, he dried me in a big fluffy towel and put new clothes on me, but luckily he didn't put the waist collar back on, he carried me to bed and held me close, and despite my bitterness, I rested my head in his fur, it wasn't his fault he didn't understand the situation I was in after all.

The next day was pretty normal, I got the same unpleasant food, he cleaned my hands after each meal and I spent a lot of time swinging the ball around, he occasionally joined me, but he seemed distracted by his phone, so the day was pretty boring and rather relaxing, just another day trapped in a place I couldn't escape unless I wanted escape to be death.

Byron a Human Pet StoryWhere stories live. Discover now