Surprise! - Shik

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Authors note: hey! Here's a little surprise for the long wait, here's an extra chapter for the alternate ending!

I patted Jasper's soft and now long head fur, he pressed his head against my chest and made a happy grumbling noise.

I gently said "Down" and he hesitantly jumped off of my lap and looked up at me with his adorable annoyed face, my Fone was ringing but I ignored it, choosing instead to go to the back door and let Jasper go toilet.

I huffed and finally picked up my Fone, "Hey! Shik! You still home? I'm out front! There's an awesome new supply of Daer stuff, wanna come?" Asked Tak eagerly, I grumbled something along the lines of, "why didn't you just enter the damn house then?" But he didn't respond, the only sound I heard was repetitive beep of a call being disconnected.

I felt a baffled laugh rise and I couldn't stop myself from chuckling at the insanity that is Tak, I quickly found Jasper who was batting at the ball on the string lazily, he looked up at me with his adorable eyes and I picked him up, I clipped the leash on his waist collar and walked out with him, Tak was standing eagerly, Myka was sitting beside him, watching a bird attack some form of insect.

We walked down streets and headed straight for the pet shop, or 'Pet house' as its called, its a massive warehouse like building which has all kinds of supplies.

We walked our adorable pets inside and headed for the Daer section, one aisle contained treats and bowls, while the opposite held food and toys, there was some new things but nothing truly impressive, we kept going until we got to the bedding and fur section, a massive cushion hung above us, the sign exclaiming the brilliance of the companies brand and how that one cushion could keep a small herd of Daers warm.

Tak went to the fur substitute aisle and examined each one, there were a few fashion ones meant to represent other creatures or even the previous fur substitutes Daers wore in the wild.

I stood awkwardly, Jasper was pulling on the leash and pointing to the toy section, I glanced around and began walking towards it, I caught Tak's mischievous grin and I fought the urge to demand answers to why he's being so weird.

Jasper examined various balls and plushies, he picked up a massive one which was easily half his height, he looked absolutely shocked and I wanted to hug him so badly, I stroked his fur and decided that this plushie is going home with us.

He eyed the plushie in my hands looking confused before huffing and looking at a few other toys, there was a puzzle like game which involved using hands and perception to figure it out so I decided to grab that, Tak appeared behind me causing me to jump in surprise.

"Chill! I just wanted to know if you wanted me to hold Jasper while you got a trolley" teased Tak, I rolled my eyes, "why would I grab a trolley?" I asked, he eyed the toys in my arms with a sly smile, I grumbled in embarrassment and handed the leash over.

After finally locating a trolley and going back to the section, Tak was nowhere to be seen, I looked around in confusion, Tak rushed over quickly, he had two bags on his arms and our precious pets hurried after him.

"Sorry just had to buy these for Myka quickly" breathed Tak, I stared at him for a few seconds before shrugging and examining the aisles, various adorable bedding and bowls caught my attention, I resisted the urge to buy them.

Once we were finally done we walked back home with bags hanging from our arms, I was about to open the door but Tak distracted me by asking me to check the mail while he brought the pets inside, I shrugged and hesitantly agreed.

I walked inside with a small stack of mail and called out to Tak who didn't respond, ok he's probably taken them outside to go toilet, I placed the bags in the hallway and glanced around in confusion as a sound caught my attention, I entered the living room and stared in surprise.

Jasper was standing in the middle of the room wearing a fur substitute that was meant to look like a Gar ferret, a jumped as suddenly a bunch of people shouted surprise, I glanced at everyone in confusion, "happy birthday my baby boy!" Cooed my mum, I stared at her, had I forgotten my birthday?

Jasper startle by the sudden noise ran to me and cuddled his head into my fur, I picked him up, even dressed up as a Gar ferret he's still the most adorable creature in the universe!

Tak walked over with Myka sitting on his shoulders, she was dressed in a tinatum outfit, a tree dwelling creature that jumps onto its preys head to disorient it, the cute grey colour of the substitute and the sharp snout as the hood making her seem absolutely precious, I felt a grin build on my lips and I smiled over at the friends I had made, Seara and Cija, Seara's Daer Jugo was shuffling awkwardly, while a new wide eyed female Daer was connected to a leash held by Cija.

I hugged them all as thanks, Tak quickly returning with a Daer themed cake and snacks, I sat with Jasper on my lap as they sang loudly, I stroked Jasper softly, my precious baby boy has become the best pet I could ever ask for, even Seara's pet was seeming more confident.

"What will you wish for?" Asked Tak, I simply smiled at him hugged my Jasper firmly against myself, Tak shook his head and laughed happily, "you big goof... You really love him, I'm so glad you found him" sighed Tak, I felt pride at his words, the love of a pet and owner is truly an incredible bond. I watched as Tak gave Jugo a blanket which he handed to Jasper who gripped it happily, the tag was still attached, but I guess Tak didn't want to reuin the moment before giving the present to me himself.

Authors note: dedicated to melreadsstuff better late then never hey? I hope this is close to what you wanted!

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