The box - Shik

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I couldn't stop smothering my Jasper, he seemed to not mind which only encouraged me further, the warmth that he gave was something I loved about his species, sure most animals are warm animals, but these Daer are just perfectly sized to really hug them and feel the radiating warmth.

I must have fallen asleep hugging him, but now that its morning I needed to get him ready for the vets, Tak had already made breakfast, bless his wonderful heart, and so I happily dug in, watching my Jasper enjoy his own, without the usual dull movements.

Tak was the one to convince me to walk Jasper there, as Jasper hadn't been moving all to much over the last two weeks, so I did, and as soon as Jasper saw the vets on the walk, he froze up, the poor thing, I encouraged him by tugging on the leash gently, and after a few more seconds he began following again, we entered the vets and were immediately sent to the same room as usual, the vet stood waiting.

"So excited to see you and Jasper again! And this must be your friend, I am doctor Sayer, and you are?" Greeted the vet, "yo doc, I'm Tak" greeted Tak, informal as usual, the doctor didn't seem to mind, "so what is this visit for?" Asked the vet, "well you know what you offered last time? I'd love to do it" I said as confidentially as I could, the vet smiled brightly, "ah wonderful, you of course will be paid after it is completed as this kind of thing is wonderful for research purposes! And the wellbeing of your Daer" exclaimed the vet.

I placed Jasper on the table, excited over the idea of getting paid for this, Jasper was relatively easy for the vet to work with on the check up, until it came to his reproductive organs inspection and body temperature check, I felt sympathy as my pet struggled, it must be incredibly uncomfortable for anyone or any animal.

After the inspection, the vet was all to happy to tell us Jasper was healthy and ready to go, "I'll inform them of your availability, you can go tomorrow yes? As I had already informed them you would possibly be going" explained the vet, "uh yes" I agreed, "alright, do you have a motorvehicle?" Asked the vet, I shook my head, I was lucky in this town were everything was close together, so I never needed one and I couldn't afford one.

"No" I stated, the vet didn't look disappointed, "alright then that's fine! We have ones just in case, I'll log you up for one, it'll be available sometime tonight" explained the vet, I was relieved by that, but the speed of which things were moving, was quite hard to follow, I couldn't help but agree to most everything that was presented.

We discussed what time I should be there which was quite early and then he brought up quite a worrying piece of information, "when the part comes for Jasper to meet the resident Daer, he's going to be in a cage for a day or two, just as a short Quarantine to ensure Jasper is fully ready and definitely not carrying something that's unnoticeable to a normal check up" explained the vet, I felt sad about that, leaving my Jasper alone for even a day would feel like neglect, but I'd be getting paid and he'd get to meet another Daer.

We continued talking about the minor details, before the subject changed to my pets needs, "alright, so due to a recent study, more products are being produced for the needs of Daer's so I'll give you a list of what you need to get" stated the vet, I nodded slowly, embarrassed over the fact I hadn't actually gotten anything for Jasper yet.

We headed home after everything was finished up, and didn't really do much for the rest of the day, Tak went to get the motorvehicle once I'd gone to bed saying I needed to get my sleep, and who was I to argue.

My phoned alarm rang off and I quickly got up, waking up my confused pet and feeding him a simple and quick breakfast, Tak waved at us as we left and I gave a rushed thanks.

We headed for the big building titled 'pet science', the name itself didn't seem very creative, but once we entered I was quickly put into a waiting room, Jasper just sat beside me, he's been very calm despite all this.

We were called in and I carried Jasper to a room with a cage near the back wall, it was pretty empty with a bench along one wall, a few employee's came in and greeted me politely, there was no names exchanged, it was purely about my pet.

They carefully took him from me as a third employee opened the cage door, they took him to the cage and barely spoke a word, Jasper started barking at me and squirming around, but it was ineffective as he was placed into the cage which was quickly closed, they all left and didn't come back for an hour, I even took a toilet break while waiting and then they came back with a trolley, it held a box on it, they seemed kind and didn't do anything to frighten my Jasper, so I stood back and let them go about showing him all the strange objects which looked rather damaged.

Jasper froze up at an item, it was unusually shaped and was put through a slot, Jasper slowly picked it up, he looked rather nervous and wary, he flicked something then pointed it at the back wall, he pulled something, a loud ear piercing noise sounded, I covered my ears, the painful noise came to an end, but the ringing remained.

A hole was in the wall with a strange metal object being at the centre of it, Jasper put the item down and cradled his arm as if he was in pain, I wanted to check up on him but when I tried to move I got all dizzy.

One of the employees reached for the powerful item, it examined it and pointed the holed end at his hand, "Dakel! That is extremely dangerous if what we have seen is to be true, then this could cause disastrous damage!" Exclaimed one of the employees, she was rather disappointed in her colleague, but he continued fiddling with it, "Dakel, don't try unknown dangerous items on yourself, do you really wish to be demoted?" Said the second employee, he was shaking his head in disapproval, "look, that was a fluke, the walls gotta be thin there, it'll give me a nasty bruise or cut at best" stated the one with the item, the other two shook their heads in disappointment at him.

The blast sounded, I was prepared this time, but judging by the blood droplets and pained hiss, the employee had severely misjudged the item, it seemed to be a weapon, which wouldn't be a surprise seeing how hard it is for Daers to survive on their own capabilities, the scene remained calm, I just stared at the gun as the employee was removed and everything resumed to how it was with one less employee.

My poor Jasper looked so upset, he had been barking the whole time the employee was toying with the 'weapon?' It made sense why, my poor precious pet was just being his sweet self.

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