Alternate ending - Byron

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The crazy girl escaped, how did she find me? her calm and angry voice a hollow reminder of how dangerous she is, I was sitting staring at a hole in the ground some few feet away from me, I was at the park in the leash free area, all the others seemed to not notice the hole, Cecilia was busy talking to Brad, i made eye contact with the most hateful eyes, the crazy girl stormed right over to me, "I told you I'll come for you"

I froze and gaped at her, I stumbled away and backed towards the hole, "how'd you get out?" I asked nervously, she grinned and glanced back at my owner, "still a plaything then?" She asked in an odd tone, "I'm not a damn plaything! He's never touched me in such a fucked up way!" I growled, well sure he's 'touched' me but he's never done it with any intent that wasn't to bathe me.

She simply laughed at that, "sure, sure like I'd believe that" she huffed, "I wouldn't be walking around if that were the case!" I exclaimed, feeling that her logic was heavily flawed, "what? Don't try to sell me that shit, your probably used to it by now," she huffed, I felt sick that she'd even consider that, my owner would never rape me, he's a cuddle bug, not some twisted minded sicko.

She grinned, looking like she'd won, she was still advancing on me, "now let's get deranged little you out of here then I will deal with the monster" she said in a sickly sweet voice, I heard Cecilia call me, Brad was also calling, my owner was hurrying over looking absolutely terrified, I didn't like it.

She looked at him and gave a frustrated groan, but she held up something, it looked sharp and glinted in the light.


She spun around.


I grabbed her hair.

Her whole body was flung back and slid to the hole, she stopped before it and cried out.

Shit that wasn't what I planned on grabbing, some hair hung loosely from my hands, she glanced at me and went to get up, her hand slipped into the hole, her body followed and the hole ate her up, closing as if it had never existed.


My owner looks shocked.

Cecilia and Brad were looking at me in disbelief, realisation flashed in Cecilia's eyes, she probably guessed were the girl went, the hair was still in my fist, so I released the hair strands and they floated down, some sticking to my strange clothes, my breathing was far from normal and I felt torn, sure I'd protected my owner, but I may have just killed someone, I know how painful falling through a hole can be.

I turned back to my owner and hid my face in his fur, I was shaking and his warmth somewhat calmed me, the silence though was to much to bear, my owner gently rubbed my head and then I felt myself being led away, I didn't care, the worry flickered through me devastatingly.

My owner and Bob walked us in silence, Cecilia was looking at something, it was another hole, what was going on? It was on a hill, in such an inviting way that it felt like we could walk into it and everything would be normal again, Cecilia gave me a look, "this could be our only chance" she said, it took me a minute, I didn't understand, after this long without seeing any hole, I've suddenly seen two in just under 20 minutes, she grabbed my hand, "he'll be ok" she said reassuringly, I looked up at my owner.

Guilt tore at me, it was weird knowing how much I had come to enjoy being a pet to my owner.

I hesitated.

Cecilia's face fell and she looked away from me, I hated letting her down, but I just couldn't think straight, not after everything that happened today.

"Yes master, no master, whatever you say master" mocked Cecilia as Bob told her to sit, I gave her my best confused look, "ok..." I mumbled, I was handed a sippy cup which held a strange drink, it seemed like it was the equivalent of giving cats, cat safe milk, I took a sip and it was delicious, "it sounds so weird doesn't it, that word, master" pointed out Cecilia, I shrugged, "how so?" I asked, "well like it just makes me think of the modern day stereotypes like BDSM and...." She was interrupted by me snorting out some of the drink, the odd coloured liquid speckled around me.

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