rights and life - Shik

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The vet watched us sympathetically, she was chipping Myka, who cringed and buried her head into Tak's neck, the chipping was quick and effective, Jasper wriggled on my lap nervously, he probably hadn't calmed after his previous vet visits.

"I'm sorry, the best we could do is appeal, I warned you, there are no definite laws surrounding Daers, I know it is awful and with such sweet pets it honestly doesn't surprise me that you know more about their mentality. You two have made leaps and bounds in progress were other owners are sorely failing, I can check whether an owner is good enough, but breeders are a whole different game" explainer the vet, I hugged Jasper against me and nuzzled him, trying to control my temper.

"I see, that makes sense, it's truly horrible, but we simply are not powerful enough to make these kinds of changes, now I feel we must be going, thank you for your help" said Tak in a controlled and professional voice, he tugged my arm slightly and I stood up, clutching my darling pet close to me, he was yipping to Myka who replied, it was adorable.

We walked home and I followed Tak into his bedroom, he sat Myka on the bed and gave her a pat, she huffed and looked around, he sat beside her and placed her on his lap, "so, what more do you want to do?" Asked Tak, I could have screamed at him, if it wasn't for the two Daers in the room.

"Something! Anything! We can't leave it like this!" I tensely said, he tilted his head and nodded slightly, "guess we could contact the researcher guy at the lab, though I'm guessing he has bigger things to worry about, shoot him an email, then we'll see" explained Tak, I couldn't believe that I had forgotten him!

Tak proceeded to ignore me, he lay Myka on the bed and lay on top of her and then pulled up the blankets, "you treat her like a ghost" I pointed out, he made a noise, "she seems to find it comforting, maybe I move around to much any other way" mumbled Tak, "now leave us alone, she needs a nap" he added, I rolled my eyes happily, "more like you do" I laughed.

I had also chosen to take a nap, I curled up under the blankets with my snuggly pet and he buried himself into my fur, while in this position I wrote a very unprofessional email, a part of me was mad at my unprofessional reaction, while another was screaming to click send and that side won.

Dear Mr Cura

I see from your strongly worded email that this place has terribly upset you and brought upon poor living conditions for the Daers.

I can't do much to be of help.

But I can do some things, such as send someone to do an examination, as most of them had been adopted quite a while ago they should be showing some signs of wary trust, unlike your Jasper.

I apologise that I cannot be of more help, as not only am I extremely busy, I'm also unable to do anything of substantial impact.

Sincerest apologies Cija

I gripped my Fone tightly and wanted to shout, I grabbed Jasper's leash and started out on a long walk, he kept looking back at the house, I know he likes walking with Myka, but they have completely zonked out and I don't have the heart to wake them.

Some preteen kids ran over, "Hey its the Daer! Hey fella!" Exclaimed the kids, Jasper brightened, I hadn't seen him react to strangers in such a way, these kids must have been the ones who brought found him the other day, "hi sir, can we pat your pet?" Asked one of them, it was a group of three, they happily ruffled Jasper's hair and patted his face, he didn't seem entirely comfortable but somehow he seemed confident.

The kids soon had to run off and help out with something, Jasper watched them go curiously before looking at me with his smiley and happy face, I truly love this pet of mine, I lifted him up and cuddled him close, he was so amazing, what did I ever do to deserve this creature.

Dear Mr Cura

I have some news, due to scientific needs I can take in the females to learn about stages of pregnancy and behaviours during these times.

The bad news, if I so wish I could take on a male to understand how they reproduce or as the breeding centre put it 'the environment needed to mate' but I can only claim one, that's all there is I could do, the others aren't aggressive enough to substitute confinement, I'm terribly sorry


I sighed and looked up from the chair I sat on, Jasper was going toilet behind a bush and Myka was enjoying the sun and playing with a toy, Tak was in the kitchen making dinner, I'll tell him later, hopefully that is if I don't forget to, maybe I should just close my eyes and let the sun put me to sleep for an hour.

Maybe. Just. An hour.

Authors note: you guys prepared for the end?

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