Kind one - Shik

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I was walking on one of my favorite paths, it wound into a rainforest which was so alive, but close enough to civilization that I didn't fear getting lost. today I noticed some strange noises, I kept walking until I noticed a strange animal, it looked injured, the poor thing, it even let out a high pitched noise.

The closer I got, the more I recognised it as one of the weird animals that have been filling the news.

A strange and weak animal that couldn't possibly survive an hour in the wild, it even needed to create its own fur coat due to it not having any protective fur other then on top of its head and at times face, everyone was going crazy over these creatures, claiming them as the perfect pets, although noone has yet to properly train and tame one.

I knew I needed to help it, so I as carefully as possible approached it, it seemed terrified, but unable to run. It looked very hurt so I tried to convince it I was friendly by holding out my hand, the poor thing fell over in terror.

I gave it a moment before gently stroking it and speaking to it softly to convince it that I wasn't going to hurt it, before I quickly tried to pick it up to prevent any hassle. The poor thing struggled but was to weak to put up any real fight, I held it under my arm as I was unsure of having some wild animal anywhere near my throat.

I took it home, glad to see my town and home, I brought it into my home and decided to put it into my room. I placed the poor thing onto my bed and then tried to give it a reassuring smile, though I didn't think it'd work and then went to collect some medical supplies.

I quickly returned to the animal and decided to see if I could tighten the brace to fit its small wrist which seemed quite swollen, it was hard to see the fearful eyes but I needed to grab its arm, it put up a weak resistance so I was able to fit the  brace and felt happy with the fit.

Now comes the hard part, cleaning it so I can prevent it from getting any infection. ,I carefully lifted the terrified creature and brought it into my bathroom, were I started up the bath, I was amused to see it try and escape by opening the door, but I couldn't allow it to accidentally hurt itself, so I carefully moved it away from the door.

I needed to remove its fur substitute to properly clean it, and the poor thing fought me a lot harder, it probably thought I was stealing its warmth, but I needed to think of its health, so I won over the animal and bathed it, which was surprisingly easy despite its previous fight, it must like bathing then.

It had a few nasty cuts, but they would be easy enough to deal with, the creature seemed to be male, but I could be wrong, I then made sure to dry him up as well as possible to prevent him from getting cold, I then took him out of the bathroom and back to my bedroom were I began tending to his injuries, I flinched in sympathy at its pained cries and felt so awful for the poor creature but knew I needed to get this done.

The creature was looking quite dull now, and exhausted, I made sure the brace fit and then retrieved its fur substitutes, which it seemed accepting of me putting them on him, I made sure to tuck him in to ensure he stayed warm as the substitute seemed quite poorly made for cold weather.

I then left the room and made a call on my fone, I called the local vets, the receptionist seemed quite excited to meet this creature which she informed me had now gotten an official title of 'Daer' which seemed a weird word but I wasn't going to oppose it, the receptionist talked me through what has been learned so far, that Daers are omnivores, but some native flora and fauna are poisonous so she gave me names of what was deadly, she told me about how fragile they can be and about their difficulty taming, but I was prepared, after seeing this adorable creatures scared and tired eyes I just wanted to protect it, the vet then explained that it would be fitting for me if I want to, to keep the Daer but to keep them updated about things that I learn and behavior traits.

The next call was to my mother, she was way to excited, "you have a pet? Oh my grown boy already taking on such responsibility! And when he's only just begun living by himself! You're so kind my son, I'll be there in a week, yes a week, no don't try to dissuade me boy, I need to meet this little rescue of yours!" She went on, and I tried and failed to dissuade her, but I guess it was lucky enough that she was happy for me, she could have been annoyed at the spontaneousness of this, but that would be out of character for her.

I reentered the room and saw the poor thing was already fast asleep, probably exhausted from however it got hurt, I then prepared myself for bed by bathing and eating some food, I joined my new pet, I didn't like its dirty fur substitute under my blankets but it seemed happiest with it on, I lay beside it, not touching it, as to avoid it perceiving me as more of a threat then it already did, but it was really warm, so I thought it'd be alright to be a little bit close.

I didn't think about the dangers of my decision till I woke up in the morning completely unharmed.

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