The biggest fight - Byron

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Authors note: here is a warning, this chapter involves feelings of a desperate and depressed character, so it may be triggering, it also shows some disassociation at the end.

And any views emitted by the characters does not represent myself, I am referring this to the last part of the story, as I personally do not like being a statistic or selling myself.

After some moments of my thoughts and the strange purring, the creature seemed to grow bored and ran off, slowly my captor lifted me and carried me home, I stayed limp, my thoughts depressed and hopeless.

Once we came home I barely paid attention to the doorless doorway, slowly I was placed into the closet, this was different, some loud noises followed and I was nervous, was I going to be punished? I didn't want to be in trouble for wanting to go home.

I was so scared that I made myself faint, I was woken by my captor, he reached for me and I squirmed backwards, I gave up trying, and he picked me up, cradling me in his fluffy arms, I didn't care anymore, I had no desire to gain more trust, it had all been my mind, forcing me to have one goal to stop me from seeing the truth, I had convinced myself that things would be ok and I'd escape but no, that's not how it works, the mind hides everything and somehow allows itself to hide away from the truth.

The truth is I'm alone, this creature albeit not cruel so far was still far to unknown for me to understand its behaviour and intents, I'm not free, I'm stuck here and I probably was never going to be able to live life how I had been raised to live it. I wasn't raised to obey some strange being, I wasn't raised to not have any responsibilities, I wasn't raised to not have a plan, and now I'm all out of plans, all out of responsibility.

He placed me on the bed and I just lay there, he brought in food which I ignored, he ended up forcing me to eat by tilting my head and holding my nose, I didn't care what was happening now, how was I supposed to deal with this.

Time flew by, one moment the mother figure walks in and strokes my head softly, only to be ignored by me, another moment water is being gently trickled down my throat by the friend, another I was being forced fed again, it didn't matter, it all blurred together quickly, night fell and my captor lay me down beside him and held me close.

Morning came, I wasn't forced fed, the friend was talking with my captor, who was still hugging me close, soon he lifted me and carried me out of the house, I only vaguely noticed the strange new door, everything was blurry but still blindingly clear, I felt empty and hopeless.

We entered the vets, I gazed around as I was brought into a room, than it snapped.



THIS IS THE THING I DIDN'T WANT! I didn't want to lose my last form of independence! My last ounce of freedom!!

I jumped from the table and shouted profanities, I hid under the desk, sure I'd never intentionally badly hurt any of these creatures who hadn't hurt me unnecessarily yet, but I will fight for this!

A clawed hand reached for me and I batted it away, crying out to be left alone, "don't do this! No! Please...".

The vet was in now, it looked at me and then spoke to my captor, I remained tense for the whole time.

I want to be my own person.

The hands grabbed at me and I kept batting them away, suddenly my leg was grabbed and I was yanked out by the vet, my captor quickly held my arms to my side, I kicked and screamed, I felt like a child throwing a tantrum.

The needle was injected and I fought the numbness, which actually seemed to be helping me not be immobile, my legs still kicked outwards, my mouth still shouted hateful words, this was the last straw.

I kicked out.





My legs didn't move.

I tried and tried.


Tears cascaded down my face, an area under my ear was being prodded, and the chip was placed into that area.

There went my freedom.

Something was placed under the chip, it was probably a tracker thanks to my escape attempt.

There went my independence.

I stopped trying to fight, my mind seemed to go blank, I felt nothing, I was defeated and noone could change that.

Sure I had been strangely fine with the concept of being a pet, free food, free affection, free home, this wasn't what I was fine with.

Everything blurred, I remember clawed hands patting me, my body returning to normal, but still I didn't move, I didn't react, I didn't cry anymore, I didn't fight.

It was hard, I couldn't hate my captor, I had convinced my mind to see him as a harmless ignorant being, so all the hate and anger was being projected to myself, but it didn't bother me, each time an angry thought crashed in, it was quickly silenced by the numbness.

Maybe I had been carried home, I didn't care, a bed was below me now, various creatures surrounded me, patting me, my mind knew them as the mum and friend but my eyes knew them as strange blurry figures who were hanging around.


Who am I anymore.

I probably have a name.

I had a name, it was Byron.

But now I probably have a name.

I'm no longer some person.

I'm not struggling in the failing economy.

I'm not some random person.

Yes, I'm a pet.

My owner probably cares for me.

Who knows really.

I just want to wake up.

But then would I really be in a better position?

Selling myself to employers.

Being another number.

Another statistic.

I like that.

It was what I was raised to be.

But now I'm a pet.

So who am I?

What is my name?

Do I even have one?

Do I even want one?

Will I even need one?

Byron a Human Pet StoryWhere stories live. Discover now