Trust part 1 - Byron

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I woke up to the sound of a door opening, I quickly glanced up, before mentally scolding myself for falling asleep, the creature looked at me and I got up and dashed away, while still remaining close enough to demonstrate a wary animal who actually slightly likes the person that I had heard about and seen in movies, I kept my distance but I didn't go to far, that was the trick I decided, maybe being forced to watch emotional animal rescue movies was a good thing.

The creature watched me and then approached me, I kept a distance, the creature stopped and headed towards the back door, it opened it and made gurgling noises, slowly I went past it and rushed outside, I actually did need to go toilet, although I'd appreciate it if I didn't have to go outside, and with these quick movements i was making to avoid my captor, i was putting strain on my legs but I ignored the throbbing.

The creature left the door open and walked down the hall, I stayed outside and sat under the tree, enjoying the bit of freedom I was allowed, the creature walked back out with two bowls, one had water and the other had food, I was unhappy with the arrangement but chose not to make my disapproval known, the creature put the bowls away from the door and stood at the doorway to watch, so I decided to humour it by eating and drinking, I used my hands to eat the food, and drank out of the bowl by sucking the water up, I didn't want the creature to know what I could do, if it knew I didn't drink water like this I might not be able to use the metal bowl to break a window which is my plan if all my other plans fail, plus for now lifting it would put to much strain on my wrist.

The creature walked into the yard and so I snuck back into the house, the bedroom door was opened so I used that chance to struggle onto the bed, if it wasn't going to let me sleep under a blanket during the night then I'll just have to do it during the day, I am not an idiot, I still don't trust this creature, but I need as much time to heal as possible so I can actually get away without suffering through aches and pains, plus its done nothing to hurt me, so its better for me to expect it to not harm me.

It was comfy here under the blankets, since it was pretty cold outside, the creature poked its head in then proceeded to walk in, it removed the blanket from me much to my annoyance and then gently grabbed my arm, I recognised that it was just putting the cold thing onto my arm to help it feel better, so I didn't put up a fight.

The creature then left the room and began gurgling, I guessed it was talking to someone, did these creatures have communication devices? This question brought on an onslaught of realisations, I'd need to bunker down and heal quickly before it can put a tracker or put a chip in me, and healing is a quick path if you look after yourself and don't let yourself get stressed, but that's easier when you're not at the mercy of some strange beast.

I chose to lay down and try to rest, but now my mind was to full to let me, so with a frustrated breath I sat up and gazed around me, sure I had looked around for escape points but I never had really paid attention to anything not useful, the bedroom was small, only fitting the bed, and some drawers as well as a stand which held the bag the beast had been wearing when it found me.

I wondered what it had in the drawers so I struggled off the bed and approached it, I forced open one to find a series of strange gadgets which must be some form of technology, while another held some strange utensils which could be used to care for the fur and claws or maybe even to fix something that was broken, and the last two just contained different bed sets.

I climbed back onto the bed and I looked at the window which I had decided was to risky to escape through, it showed the backyard area that ran along the side of the house, and the fence was short enough to allow the rising sun to enter through the glass, I actually liked the room, it wasn't a mess, and it felt somewhat well loved somehow, the creature entered and slowly approached me, I wanted to speed things up, so I let it, although my mind was screaming at me that I shouldn't, but I kept looking out the window, it began slowly patting my back, I tensed up and tried to make myself loosen up, but that was something I couldn't do.

We stayed like that for longer than I thought we would, and I kind of enjoyed it, the simplicity and stupidity of it, me apart of an intelligent species being treated like an everyday pet by what seems like an equally intelligent being, but the gentle affection also aided my relaxation, something about this creature who could so easily claw me to death gingerly patting me like this made my respect rise, but I had to push those feelings aside, I need to escape plain and simple, not from it but from this strange place.

The creature left after a while and made gurgling noises loudly, so I went to check on why, by the looks of things it had been calling me, as it held the door opened and looked down the hallway, brightening up at the sight of my head, I slowly walked past it, and took a drink from the water then went to do my business, I sat under the tree again and decided to really examine the backyard, sure I had previously kept my eye out for exits but I didn't actually look at it, the strange flowering bushes and tall leafy tree over a green well cared for lawn made this place quite mundane, which I almost laughed at, as this situation is anything but normal.

I must have dozed off as the cold woke me, the sky was darkening and the creature was watching me expectantly, there was another bowl of food out which I ate, I still hated how degrading eating with my hands is, but I can live with it, no not live with it, I can deal with it for a short period of time, I drank and walked inside, it happily followed me, I sat on the couch, and it sat beside me.

This time I examined the lounge room, with a couch and a strange device on the opposite side which must be a TV or something similar, and then I looked at the window which showed a street fading into darkness, a sound jolted me back into attention, the strange device was turned on and some strange show seemed to be playing, the creature began playing with a box which must be the remote, some strange show came on, it seemed to be about me, not me but humans, and the show seemed like a documentary or even a long news story, but once it finished my captor turned it off, and gave me a pat before heading to its room, once I heard the door shut I quietly hurried over and sat by the door again, I needed to make this work.

It left the room and picked me up, taking me to the bathroom for another bath so it could clean the healing cuts, which must be at the very least beginning to close over, once I was dry and clothed it left me on the couch yet again, but I still crept right back over to sit by the door.

Byron a Human Pet StoryWhere stories live. Discover now