~~~Ella_enchanted : Their Paid Girl

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oooh this song is pretty interesting :D Bicycle race by Queen :D

Thankyou Ella :) i like this name :D


What is your name?

Elsa, but I go by Ella here :)

How old are you?

17, but 18 in less than a month.

What inspired you to write your first book?

Um. What qualifies as a first book? The first SERIOUS book-type-thing that I tried writing was inspired by... *goes red* the Star Wars movies. I wrote a sci-fi for my brother's birthday and promised him a part two. Hasn't happened yet, and most likely never will. :D

Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

My favourite author changes with every good book I read. Since I read a lot of genres, I tend to have a favourite from each category. Lately, I've been obsessed with John Green (he wrote The Fault in Our Stars) and George R.R. Martin (The Game of Thrones saga).

What is your favourite theme/genre to write about?

I don't know why, but whenever I sit down to write, it tends to morph into teen fiction/humour. I really enjoy writing dystopian, fantasy and adventure stories, but I find I'm not all that good at it so I stick to the light comedies with more serious sub-plots that my main characters usually try to work through.


hey hey hey did u votee???? --->>> :)


Do you see writing as a career?

Not exactly as a career in my future. I think I'll definitely continue writing, and maybe one blessed day I'll actually give birth to a story worth publishing. But my writing would have to be on the side, more like a hobby, because I think it's important to live first, and write second. That way I'll actually have something to say, if I've already lived it and have had my own experiences... I hope that makes sense.

If you could work with any author who would it be?

Oh my goodness. I think it would be the biggest honour to work with John Green. I also get the feeling he'd be a lot of fun to work with and that he's an inspiring person to be around.

Do you use real-life facts based on true stories?

None of my stories are true, but I guess they have little pieces of real life in them. Sometimes I borrow habits or personalities from people I actually know.

Did you ever think you'd be, where you are right now?

No. I never would have believed that people might actually enjoy reading something I'd written. I never would have believed that I could change as drastically as I have over the years. A few years ago, I wouldn't have been able to have the same thoughts that I have now. I used to attract and be attracted to very different people than the ones that surround me now. I'm happy with where I am, and I know where I'm going, and I wish everyone could know how great that feels :)

What advice would you give to people who "run out of creativity" when writing?

Get off the computer, step out of the house, and live a little bigger. I'm serious. 99% of creativity and inspiration come from our own experiences. Interacting with people teaches you what the world's really like, and something that someone says to you can take you in an amazing direction you never would've found on your own. Go volunteer in a soup kitchen, go walk someone's dog, say hi to your neighbour, get a job, go to the gym, go for walks. It's really, really good for you, I promise.

Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it?

Yes to the first question. Ashamed head-ducking for the second one.
I don't do anything about it because I just wait for it to go away. It usually takes lightyears and I'm sure several new galaxies get discovered by the time I sit down again. But things that help is finding inspiration in movies, music, or sometimes it's pure jealousy when I read another author's brilliant piece of work and then I become determined to write just as well. It really depends, but I don't recommend the sitting around. Fans tend to start threatening you with rakes and hold puppies hostage and you never wanna go there, trust me.

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Well, since you asked, I suppose I can find some wisdom to impart upon you young grasshoppers. I don't think I have too much advice to offer, since I'm struggling just as much as the rest of you guys. But what I've found really makes you grow as a writer (and its something I wish I did more often) is discipline in writing. Make yourself write at least something, but do it every day. Yep, every. Day. Keep a journal - it really develops your writing style, and you can learn to find your 'voice' while you experiment. Also, don't forget to keep reading! It does SO much for you.
And finally, if writing is in your blood and you have ink flowing through your veins, then don't you ever stop doing what you love best.

Anything fun about yourself you want your fans to know?

Fun. Oh, the pressure. I must entertain you now with facts about myself, even though I'm an awfully boring human being. Hmm, well I guess fun facts could include my intense hatred of squirrels, my equally intense love for New Zealand even though I've never been there in my life. I have a bucket list and no, you're not allowed to see it because I don't feel like being judged. I hate mushrooms even though I pretend to tolerate them in front of my mother. In fact, the last mushroom I ate was seven years ago; from then on, I've made my brothers eat them for me. And really, there's not much else I can tell you, or else I'd have to hunt you down and befriend you and I'm not sure you'd like that.

How would you describe yourself?

Tall. Often mistaken by strangers to be the 'nice, quiet Christian girl." And then when they get to know me, even though the "Christian" part stays true, my sarcasm and downright weirdness classifies me as questionable.
I think I'd love to be friends with every single one of my readers, because you guys put up with me, and you're all the most amazing, encouraging souls and I just love each and every one of you.


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