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Thankyou GwenBookaddict :)


What is your name? 


How old are you? 

14 ;) 

What inspired you to write your first book? 

Ah, that's a good question. a lot of things really, i was moving apart from a lot of my old friends, and had a bunch of new ones. That was one of the main ideas in the whole Luck series, Change, Because everything around Lucy is constantly changing and evolving, and she's afraid of it. Another Idea i had is the concept of everything about Harry being seemingly glossy and 'New', She's not quite sure how to deal with this new person, and is having trouble, because in her mind there's two Harry's, the before and after. 

Who is your favourite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work? 

I have a lot of favourite authors, I love ParisEmily, AllTimeNutella, Itsbelleyoo, GirlOnFireKatniss.... I love these authors because they are completely different, for example, GirlOnFireKatniss just sucks me in with her words, it's like I'm a drug addict, and her books are my pills, and AllTimeNutella has this sense of realness about her story, it makes you believe in the characters and think that it could actually happen. I would really recommend to anyone, to check out their work, it's amazing. Seriously. 

What is your favourite theme/genre to write about? 

Hmmm, Well I like Romance (Obviously) and I also like Sci-Fi, I've written a few books that aren't 1D fanfics, but they're not here up on Wattpad and only like three people have read them (mainly being WhenUCMeMakeAWish and ZaraChowdury) I have to say though, i think the most enjoyable is Romantic Comedy, because it's so much fun to write Heartless, because the main character, Kayla is just so different from anyone I've ever written about. She's really very odd, and her fairy bread addiction comes from me. 

Do you see writing as a career? 

I don't know, I would love for it to be, But there's really a lot of options for me. I would love to be an art or drama teacher, but my dreams are to be an author, actor, singer, fashion designer or artist, so I'm just keeping my options open. However, I have decided to go on Wattpad for a year, write my heart out in 1D fanfics and then try and write a real book and send it to a publisher. 

If you could work with any author who would it be? 

Hmm, that's tough. I love so many authors, Rick Riordan, J.K Rowling, Jane Austen, Elizabeth Eulberg.... Hmmm, I think i would work with Suzanne Collins, because her work just stuns me. 

Do you use real-life facts based on true stories?

Well, If you mean do i use real things that have happend and put them in my stories.. then yes, for example, I am the oldest child in my family and have always wanted older siblings, and i recently found out that my mother gave birth to twins but they where stillborn, and that inspired me to write about Hannah, Nicki and Lucy.


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Did you ever think you'd be, where you are right now? 

Nope, i thought, like maybe a hundred people tops would read my story. When i got my first 11 reads overnight I was stoked, I was so happy. And then my friend Taylor advertised for me on her story (Which she doesn’t give me the name of!) and I got 2000 reads, she helped me start off, and for that, I’m really grateful to for her amazing support. But then it rose to 20,000 reads and Taylor stopped advertising for me, and i was stunned to realise everything else was all me :) 

What advice would you give to people who "run out of creativity" when writing? 

Hmm, I have this problem a lot too, The best thing to do, I think is to take a break, rest for a bit, watch some TV, I always listen to music and browse Tumblr or Weheartit.com and that really helps me. 

Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it? 

If I suffer from writers block, As in, I literally cannot write anymore, not just I’ve lost all my inspiration, I will take a long, big break from the book and just hang out with my friends, eventually I'll try writing, but not until I know I'm ready. 

Do you have any advice for other writers? 

Believe in yourself and achieve your dreams :) 

Anything fun about yourself you want your fans to know? 

Ummm.... When I write my stories I like them to seem happy and normal at first and then turn dark and kind of sinister... When I was eight I wanted to be an opera singer, I always have the letter 'J' in my writers note, it means Jinglefrog, a word I find funny so I just write it in wherever i can! I'm completely and utterly crazy, but i SEEM normal at first, haha! I've been recognised a couple of times, But only by people at my school, not by anyone I don't see every day, even if i do know them, if you see me, then just come up and say hi, I don't bite. My evil 8 year old sister might, though... 

How would you describe yourself? 

Well physically, I'm tall and average weight; I have lots of freckles on my arms, golden hair, pale blue eyes, chubby cheeks (Gah! My friends always call me Gwenie Cutipie and it SERIOSULY annoys me) Mentally I’m crazy, happy, loud, shy, random, artistic. I'm very flawed, for example I HATE, HATE, HATE PE and are terrible at any sort of exercise other than Netball, I have a weird fear of buses and I hate to use my phone, to text or call, or whatever. It took my friends a year to find out i had a phone. So yeah, that's me, weird, awkward, gawky, But whatever, I like myself the way i am. 

Thank you!


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