~~~Slim_Shady : The Bad Boy, Cupid & Me

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Song of the day... White flag by Dido :D

Thankou Hasti! Love ur name! :)


What is your name?

Hasti.It's a Persian name, it means life.

How old are you?

Right now as I'm answering this question, I'm Seventeen...and two months...and 17 days.

What inspired you to write your first book?

The first story, I ever wrote, was inspired by Shakespeare's tragic novel, Romeo & Juliet. We were studying it in year 9, and we were told to write a modern remake of it, and so I did. I called it 'The Ostensible Enemy' and I've been writing stories ever since. 

Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

At the moment, I really adore Jane Austen. I had to study her novel, Pride & Prejudice, for my Literature class, and I've already read her other novels too. I just love her writing style.

What is your favourite theme/genre to write about?

Romance, hands down! I just love writing about love. It makes me happy. It makes me believe in it. 

Do you see writing as a career?

Hahaha, no. Never. For me, writing will always remain as a hobby. I'm not sure what I aspire to be, yet, but writing is not the path I want to take.

If you could work with any author who would it be?

If we're talking published authors, I'm not really sure, probably Stephen King because he's a genius. But if we're talking about Wattpad authors, I'd love to collaborate with racingheart, I find her stories so amazing and I just think she'd be an incredible author to work with.


VOTEE!!! if u didn't :)


Do you use real-life facts based on true stories?

All the time. Sometimes, my friends say the most random things, and I mentally take note to write it in my next chapter. For example, "Calm your tits", was basically invented by my guy best friend, who says it to me every time I get excited or angry, haha.

Did you ever think you'd be, where you are right now?

With over 9 thousand fans? Never! Hell, I remember the day when I got excited over getting 40 fans. 40 fans! Now, I have over 225 times that amount! It still surprises me, how so many people around the world are enjoying my story. 

What advice would you give to people who "run out of creativity" when writing?

Aww, have a cry. Haha jokes. Breathe! Inspiration will eventually hit you like a ton of bricks. Go watch a movie, or read more books, go talk to strangers (but just don't follow them down dark alleyways), meet new people. Eventually you'll get your creativity back!

Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it?

Just give yourself some time. Seriously, I go through writers block all the time. It's horrible, I know. But honestly, I don't think that theres much you can do. For me, I just wait for the inspiration to come to me, because I know that no matter how hard I try, I cannot force myself to write, and if I did, it would be really crappy. So for those stressing because think they've run out of creativity. Stop. Breathe. Calm your tits, haha. Just give yourself a break. I'd prefer to wait a long time to read quality work, than frequent updates of something worthless. 

Anything fun about yourself you want your fans to know?

Umm, I can do a lot of tricks with my tongue? No seriously, I can flip it, and make it stay backwards, and even make it into a 'W' shape. Trust me, it's quite impressive.

How would you describe yourself?

One of a kind :)



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