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I walk through the halls where I see Chloe and Grace. I keep my head down praying they won't say anything as I turn the corner and surprisingly they didn't. That's when I see Ethan run up to me.

"Good morning Emma." He says.

"Hey Ethan where are your friends at?" I ask him looking around.

"What I can't talk to you?" He asks me putting an annoyed look on his face.

"Just surprised you would want too." I tell him.

"Well don't be because I plan on talking to you a lot." He says back to me.

I just smile as we keep walking. I feel people look at us but I didn't care.

"Will you be in class today?" I then ask Ethan.

"Uh planning on it why." He says back to me.

"Because you weren't there yesterday and you missed the day before. I'm guessing to go fuck someone in the janitors closet right?" I say laughing.

"What no I was in the office talking about the fight and they thought it would be best if I did my school work in there. Janitor closet sex while missing class does sound hot though." He says with a smile.

"Shut up dumbass never happening." I say back to him.

The bell rings sadly because I wanted to keep talking to him. Talking to him made me feel happy and almost safe. These past couple days I kept feeling like Grace and Chloe where going to come jump me or Devin and Bryce would do some dumb shit but when Ethan was around I felt safe.

"Hey before you go can I take you to get some ice cream tonight? Just me and you. I still don't know everything about you." He says to me looking into my eyes.

"Maybe. If I don't have plans with Ellie and Hannah." I say to him knowing I had no plans at all today.

"Text me." He says with a wink.

"Bye Ethan see you later." I say rolling my eyes.


I was walking to lunch and when I sat down at the table Graham and Scotty weren't there and instead it was just Ellie and Hannah.

"We saw you and Ethan talking this morning." Ellie says to me.

"Yeah so what he was just asking me about homework." I say lying to them.

"Really? I thought he asked you on a date to go get ice cream." Hannah says with a smile forming.

I feel my cheeks get red and smile start to form on my face.

"Okay but I don't want to get close with him. You know what he does to girls! He does this all the time and breaks their fucking hearts." I say back to them.

"Emma, I really do think he likes you." Ellie says while Hannah nods.

"Guys listen. He's just playing me and he's going to break my heart. He's way to good for me. I mean look at him." I say turning around to see him talking with his friends.

"Emma. Go tonight and just see how it is. Even Grayson said he liked you." Hannah says while biting into an apple.

"Grayson is also worse then Ethan with girls I wouldn't take advice from him." Ellie says laughing.

"Ellie your dumbass isn't helping this. Just go tonight emma." Hannah says.

"Maybe I will." I say back.


The final bell rings and I start heading towards my car. I blast the music as I drive home and I still couldn't believe Ethan asked me out on a date. But apart of me knew this was all just his plan. To get close, fuck me, and then destroy me like he has done 500 other times.

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