twenty nine

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you could hear the yells between my mom and chris from outside. God why is this shitty family so messed up.

"ethan can you just go home. We can maybe facetime or something while i do my homework." i tell him trying to make it clear he didn't have an option but to go home.

"no emma this is not right. i'm coming in." ethan starts to say moving his hand towards his keys.

"ETHAN NO" i shout at him.

louder then i ment too.

he understands and backs his hand away slowly from the keys.

"i'm sorry i didn't mean too yell i just-" i begin to say before he cuts me off.

"no it's fine i get it." he says in a calming voice.

"you don't deserve to be dragged into this. i can take care of it myself, okay?" i tell him squeezing his hand.

"yeah sure. please call me right away if you need anything." he says which made me relieved he was agreeing to leave.

"thank you ethan. i love you." i say kissing his lips i wish i could have kissed longer.

"i love you too em." he says before i open the car door.

i stand in the driveway as i wait till ethan's car disappears in the distance as i hear my moms screams as chris from outside.

their voices sent chills through my body as i walked into the house ready to be prepared for what was happening.

"CHRIS FUCK YOU. YOU KNOW THAT?" my mom yells as i walk into the door.

neither of them acknowledge that i was here which i wasn't expecting them too.

"Calm downnnnnn relaxxxx it's okay." chris says.

i can tell he wasn't sober.

"chris shut the hell up. why are you even here? we were doing fine without you." i then budge in before my mom could say anything.

no words were said as both of their heads shoot to look at me standing in front the door.

"loook at that my princess." chris says walking sluggishly towards me as he throws his arm around me.

"don't call me your princess. can you just go back out to the bar or where ever you fucking go when you leave?" i say throwing his arm off from around me.

"someone has attitude." chris shoots back at me.

"YEAH I HAVE FUCKING ATTITUDE BECAUSE ALL YOU DO WHEN YOU ARE HERE IS CAUSE PROBLEMS!" i shout at him. he didn't seem to care though like always.

"let me tell you something emma sweetie. i could be gone but your mother chooses to keep me around. you know why? because i'm the only source of income! without me you two would be living on the streets. it's not me that's crazy it's your mom." chris says in a low mellow tone. he sounded almost high.

but what he was saying is true. it was all true except for my mom being crazy part. i hated to admit it but apart of me knew he was right.

i was expecting my mom to come in and defend herself but she didn't say anything.

"your mom didn't get that job she had an interview for so i have to stick around." chris says which set me off.

"CHRIS ALL YOU HAVE DONE ALL MY LIFE IS MADE IT MISERABLE. I'D HONESTLY RATHER LIVE ON THE FUCKING STREETS WITH MOM THEN HAVE TO COME HOME TO YOUR DRUNK ASS MAKING MOM CRY." i say basically out of breath. i never get this upset. ever. i'm usally the one that can calm the situations down.

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