twenty five

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me and ellie finally arrive to the hospital which honestly felt like it took forever to get here even though i was going well above the speed limit.

we walk quickly through the doors and going up to the desk. i was panicking way more then i should have been for some reason.

"we are here for ethan dolan." i say quickly to the lady working at the desk.

"you can visit him in about an hour he's sleeping right now." the nurse reply's back.

"no i would like to see him now please." i say trying my best not to be rude.

"room 704 all the way on the west wing of the building." the nurse says with attitude in her voice.

i don't bother to thank her as i walk through the long hallways as ellie follows me.

i shiver from the smells and vibes the hospital was giving off. i hated it.

i don't understand how all of this could happen so quickly.

we get to ethan's room where i walk in first slowly. the first person i see is ethan who's asleep. he had a bandage wrapped around his arm and was sleeping. he looked peaceful.

my eyes then traveled to grayson who was sitting on a chair against the wall. his head was down not acknowledging us.

"hey." i say softly as grayson picks his head up.

"hey" he says back.

i could tell he was trying to avoid meeting eyes with ellie. i guess he didn't know she would be coming.

"i'm sorry." he then says disappointment in his voice.

no one says anything as i walk up to the side of ethan's bed. i grab his bandaged hand and i kiss his head.

seeing him hurt and in a hospital really made me realize how much he meant to me. even when he's being a dumbass and beating up people who don't deserve to get beat up.

"what happened?" i then say breaking the awkward silence between ellie and grayson.

"chloe. she said ethan either had to make out with her or cut. grace recorded it." grayson says pulling out his phone.

"i-i don't want to see it." i say back quickly.

"what the hell is wrong with her?" i then say.

"i don't know but this needs to stop. her jealousy needs to stop." grayson then says his voice more clear.

"your jealousy needs to stop too." ellie chimes in saying her first words.

i shoot her a shut the hell up it's the time look at her and she understood. somehow.

grayson doesn't say anything and we sit in silence again.

that's when a nurse walks in.

"hello, grayson?" she asks looking at grayson.

"yeah that's me." grayson replies standing up.

"ethan will be asleep for a couple more hours do to the medication." the nurse says looking down at her clipboard.

"he will be fine though. he has to get a couple stitches but make sure the bandage stays on for at least a week. he will be very tempted to pick and itch." the doctor says quickly.

"are you eighteen?" the doctor says grabbing a pen from her pocket.

"yes." grayson says quickly. lying.

"just sign here so he's free to go when he wakes up." she says with a warm smile.

grayson signs it and hands it back to her.

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