Part 4

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Chimera woke up with her head in Zeldris' lap. He seemed to be preoccupied with giving orders. Many others surrounded them but didn't seem to be a threat. They had the same dark green energy as Zeldris, the person from the forest, and the giant hole. The two from before, Melascula and Galand, kept their distance. The others seemed curious. Chimera sat up.

A man in red armour with long dark hair stood beside Zeldris and Chimera as Zeldris introduced his comrades, the Ten Commandments, and explained that they were an elite force sent by the Demon King to avenge the deaths of innocents killed by the Goddesses and take revenge on the traitor Meliodas, the other person in the forest, who had sealed away his own race for three thousand years.

Both of those objectives seemed perfectly reasonable to both of Chimera's souls, but Mera was noticeably concerned with staying close to Zeldris.

"Gods, if you're that trusting you may as well do a memory ceremony with him" said Chi.

"That's not a bad plan. If we do that, we'll have his memories and know how things work on Earth and he'll have our memories so he'll know what Mars is like."

"How strategic of you. You sure there's not more to that?"

"Shush. I need to be in the moment."

"Or you could let me take control for a bit."

"Not yet."

Gloxinia, a man with long pink hair whose body was covered in some kind of thorny plant, stayed closer than many of the others. Zeldris and Fraudrin had moved aside, probably discussing plans. The plant moved on its own, intriguing Mera and repulsing Chi, who was much more interested in the battle tactics no doubt being debated by Zeldris and Fraudrin.

As a warrior, Chi's only interest in Earth pertained to new tactics to employ in battle when she went home and eventually took command of the army. Mars was peaceful, for the most part, but the occasional uprising did need to be quelled and with her sister's clear disinterest in the throne, it would fall to her to rule when their mother passed. While Chi loved her twin more than anyone else in the galaxy, there were times that she wished she were separated from her. Oh well, tomorrow was her turn in control and if she had her way, the only thing she'd discuss with Zeldris was battle tactics. And that was if she decided to stay for her sister's sake. She did practically everything for her sister's sake.

Mera was still admiring the plant and pulled out her journal to sketch both it and Gloxinia. Gloxinia smirked and the plant's tendrils shot out, enveloping Chimera and bringing her closer. It seemed that the spines of the plant could retract and if it hadn't taken her journal, she would have made note of it. The plant handed the journal to Gloxinia who, examined the drawing and smiled.

"This is pretty good," he said, "are you some kind of botanist?"

"Thank you. Yes. Your plant is fascinating. Does it have a symbiotic relationship with you?"


"Mutually beneficial."

"I guess so, but I haven't really thought about it. Basquias is mostly used as a weapon."

Basquias brought Chimera's journal back to her and she made a few notes.

"The species is called Basquias?"

"No, it's the name of the individual. It's a part of the Fairy Realm's Sacred Tree."

"So Basquias is like a cutting? It's alive on its own, right?"

"Basquias will work as long as the Sacred Tree is still alive."

Chimera made more notes and Basquias shifted so Chimera was sitting on one of its sturdy vines instead of having the vines envelop her. Chimera patted the vine she was sitting on, unsure if Basquias had chosen to move or if Gloxinia had told it to telepathically. Basquias sprouted white flowers instead of thorns. Chimera smiled and made a note of it, sketching the flowers as their gentle scent wafted into the air.

"I don't like this guy. The vines are hiding something." said Chi.

"You don't like anyone."

"I like us. I like the guards back home."

"I think if Gloxinia wanted to hurt us, he would have done it already."

"He's probably showing some restraint because Zeldris is here."

"Well, Zeldris is the leader."

"My point is that we should stay close to him if you insist on staying here while it's your turn."

"You're going somewhere else?"

"We'll see. I want to learn a little more about this Meliodas guy."

"Zeldris thinks we shouldn't underestimate Meliodas."

"Sounds like Meliodas has some interesting battle tactics, then. You led us into danger today, tomorrow it's only fair that I lead us into the kind of danger I actually like."

Chimera smiled.

"Everyone's telling me you have two souls. Is that true?" Gloxinia asked.

"Yeah. I'm one of the two souls sharing this body."

"What's it like?"

"Imagine constantly having someone else's voice in your head debating, compromising, and talking. To function, lunar twins like me tend to organize when we're controlling our body on a day-by-day basis. If we didn't, we might fight and switch constantly."

"So tomorrow your twin will be in control?"

"That's right."

Melascula, hearing the conversation, floated over to Gloxinia and Chimera.

"What would happen if I only ate one of your souls?" she asked.

Gloxinia raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know. At best, the surviving one would be lonely, I guess."

Melascula smiled a little too wide, "and at worst?" she pressed.

Lunar Twins (Zeldris x OC) (Escanor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now