Part 21: New POV

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General Shu’tar landed his craft near a small building. He was grateful for his universal translation device which could translate both sound and images. According to the translator, the sign on the building read “The Boar Hat” the people of Earth certainly had ridiculous names for things.
He’d been sent by the queen to retrieve his betrothed, the lovely Princess Chimera, and see her safely home. He hoped today was a day that allowed Chi control of the body. He could reason with her. And she actually seemed to like him somewhat. Chi liked him… a lot. Enough to have spirited him away on more than one occasion and, after using alcohol to drown out her twin’s voice, had slept with him. Mera, on the other hand, did not like him. She didn’t seem to fancy any Martian at court. Was that why she had fled to Earth?
Shu’tar exited his craft and walked over to the ridiculously named building. A giant woman caught sight of him and let out a sound of shock and disgust. To be fair, Shu’tar didn’t find her pretty, either. He continued his approach calmly and paused to speak with the alien.
“I’m looking for someone,” he said, “I am not from your planet. Someone who looks like me landed here recently and I need to find her.”
“Captain!!” the giantess yelped.
“General, actually,” Shu’tar muttered.
Someone much smaller than the giantess exited the building.
“What’s going on?” he asked.
“Excuse me, Earth-dweller, I’m in a hurry. Do you know where I can find another one of my kind?”
“Why don’t you come in?” the man suggested.
“Captain! You’re going to invite this demon into our bar?” the giantess exclaimed.
“I don’t think he’s a demon, Diane.”
Shu’tar couldn’t help but chuckle. A demon? What sort of supertitious simple folk had  Princess Chimera run away to?
“What’s so funny?” asked the man.
“My translator appears to be malfunctioning. Did your… friend call me a demon?”
“Your translator’s working. But you’re not a demon.”
“Well of course I’m not! Demons aren’t real!”
The man chuckled and the giantess hid her smile behind her hand. Was there a joke that Shu’tar didn’t understand?
“Demons are real. You’ve been talking to one for the last few minutes. Why don’t you come inside and we’ll talk?”
Seeing no other option, Shu’tar followed the strange man into the building.

Lunar Twins (Zeldris x OC) (Escanor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now