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You are the Daughter of Tony Stark, that's right Tony Stark, The Invinsible Ironman. But no one outside the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D knows that, so at school your last name is Lang if the school needs to talk to your parents then Scott Lang pretends to be your dad. You live with the Avengers, it is pretty cool. This is your Junior year in High School. You go to Midtown School of Science and Technology.


Tony slowly opens your door. Finding that your still asleep. He plops on your bed next to you.


"What the Fuck!" You scream and sit up.

"Good morning, sweetheart." He says.

You glare at him. "Bad morning."

"Come on its Friday! Fridays are amazing!"

"Well you screamed in my EAR!"

"I had to wake you up somehow."

You roll out of bed and step in front of Tony. "Now go away I'm gonna get dressed."

He gets up and leaves closing the door behind him.

You get dressed and walk out of your room. You get to the kitchen open the cabinet. You grab the cereal box. There is nothing in. "Who put the empty cereal box back in the cabinet!?"

Bucky points at Sam and Sam points back at Bucky, "He did it!" The both say at the same time.

You throw the cereal box away. You go back the cabinet and grab the Pop-tarts. There is one package left. You grab it and Thor walks by and grabs it out of my hand, "Thank you, Lady Y/n."

You do the Stark Eye Roll and throw the empty Pop-tart box at Thor.

"Oh my god! We have NO food." You yell.

"Pepper left to go to Walmart a few minutes ago." Steve says.

"Its Friday. Why are you so pissed off this morning?" Scott says.

"Ask my dad," You say.

"Stark? What did thou do to Lady Y/n?" Thor asks.

"I screamed 'IT'S FRIDAY, FRIDAY! GOTTA GET DOWN ON FRIDAY!' in her face to wake her up," Tony said not even looking up from his phone.

"Did Happy take Pepper to Walmart?" You ask.

"Yeah," Clint says.

"That's means I gotta bring you to school, kid!" Tony smiles.

"I think I'm gonna drive myself." You say. Your dad got you a 2010 Red Convertible Mustang for you 16th birthday. You grab your phone, earbuds, keys, and backpack.

"Okay, Bye, sweetheart, love ya."

You don't say anything, you just continue to walk towards the door.

"A 'Bye, Daddy. Love you, Daddy' would be nice." Tony says.

You turn around and look at him, "Bye, Dad."

Tony fake clears his throat.

"Bye, Daddy. I love you, Daddy," You say with absolutely no enthusiasm.

"Where's your enthusiasm?"

"Bye, Daddy. I love you, Daddy." You say as sweetly as I can.

"I love you, too, sweety," He kisses my forehead.

"The embarrassment." I say.

Pietro laughs.

You turn back around and walk out the door, you get in  your and turn on the ratio and of course the song that is on Friday by Rebecca Black.

You drive to school.

You finally get to school you walk in, grab breakfast and sit by MJ, Ned, Peter and Y/b/f/n.

"It's Friday, Friday. Gotta get down on Friday! Everybody is looking forward to the weeke-" Ned starts sing

"Shut the Fuck up." You interrupt him.

"Man someone is pissed off this lovely Friday morning." Y/b/f/n

You tell them what happened this morning, but without telling them that you live with the Avengers and Tony Stark is your dad, as MJ sketches.

"Look it's you," MJ says and holds up her sketch book showing you a picture of you in crisis.

Sing Love Save Repeat (Peter Parker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now