Good Grief

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Peter's POV

I sit on a bar stood at the island it the Avengers facility kitchen. Mr. Stark sits on one side and Steve on the other. The Avengers surround me as I tell them what happened that night.

"Where could she be?" I ask.

"She's taken by Hydra she could be anywhere." Tony says.

"Luck for us we have someone who knows Hydra inside out." Bucky says as he steps out of the shadow of the refrigerator. "I think I know where she might be."

"Where, Barnes?!" Tony asks.

"Well there is five Hydra bases. The one Sokovia which you all destroyed. One in Vienna, another in Berlin, there is one in Russia, one is in Virginia. She is most likely in the one in Virginia."

"Why? Because it is the closest?"

"No. The one in Virginia is the Area 51 of Hydra. It's the most secure Hydra base/laboratory it is where they store their most powerful weapons."

"That makes sense. Since they probably figured that we would come after her." Steve says.

"I got a start of a plan." I say

"What?" Tony asks.

"Can borrow you computer?"

"Um.... Sure."

We walk down to the lab and the Avengers followed.

I sit in Tony's wheeled desk chair at his desk in front of Tony's computer. I try to hack the Hydra Database but fail. Tony pushes the chair out of the way and hacks the Database like it I'd the easiest thing. "There ya go, kid."

"Thanks." I push the chair back where it was while still sitting in it. I scroll through the Database until I find what I want. Her name. She is being held captive in cell 25 of the Hydra Base in Virginia. "You're right Mr. Barnes."

"Call me Bucky." Bucky tells me.

"Ok." We will save her. We are her family and we will. I miss her so much. I will save because I care about her. No I love her.

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