Thrift Shop

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After watching four episodes of The Fresh Prince of Bel-air.

Tony walks into the room.

"Hey, Dad." While laughing at the TV.

"I was wondering if your friends wanted to come to our Christmas Party tomorrow. Shit they can even stay the night if the want to." He says.

"We don't have any clothes." Y/b/f/n says.

"Do you know who your looking at? I can take you all to the mall. It won't cost too much."

"Really? You need to go get Peter some trending clothes. He's a fucking sweater wearing bitch." MJ says.

Peter puts a hand over his heart, "I'm hurt."

"Yes, that uncalled and mean, MJ." I say.

"It's true though." MJ says.

"No your a bitch."

"Break it up, you two." Y/b/f/n says.

"How are we gonna go there without people finding out that your my dad?" I ask Tony.

"I don't have to go. You guys go." He hands me three hundred dollars.

"Ok, guys let's go." I say and grab my car keys.

We get in my car and I drive. We get to the mall. I park the car and we get out. The first place we go is Rue 21 ect.

We need to get Peter some trending clothes

I talk Peter into trying on a Nasa T-shirt, Jeans, and a God's Plan sweatshirt.

Ned gets a long sleeve Nasa shirt and jeans.

Y/b/f/n gets ripped jeans, a Lilo and Stitch shirt, and a jeans jacket.

MJ gets camouflage joggers, a Cheshire Cat shirt, and a black jacket.

I get ripped jeans a shirt that says sassy on it, and a checkered jacket.

We go to different stores. We all get Christmas shirts and pajamas. We stop at Starbucks to get coffees.

We go back to the facility.

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