Let It Snow

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2 weeks later

You are finally done with detention. Yay!

You wake up to your phone ringing.

Spider man, spider man does what ever a spider.

You knew it was Peter calling.

"Hi, welcome to Chili's." You say.

Peter laughs. "School has been cancelled!"


"Have you not looked outside?"


"It's snowing. We got like 5 inches of snow last night!"

You stand up and look outside. There was a lot of snow.

"YES!!!!!!!" You squeal.

"You and all of our friends should come to my house. We can sled in the driveway."

"Do you really want their parents to know your dad is Mr. Stark."

"I can have one of the less known Avengers and me go pick you up."

"Ok. But who?"



"I'll ask my dad if you guys can."

"Ok. I need to ask Aunt May."

"K. Bye."

"See ya."

You run down stairs with a huge smile on your face.

Once you get down stairs you spin in a circle.

"Someone's happy." Tony says with smile.

"Uh yeah! School has been cancelled!" You exclaim.

"It has?"

"It was on the newspaper." Steve says with a newspaper in one hand and piece of toast in the other.

"Can my friends come over?" I ask.

"How are they going to get here?" Tony asks.

"We can pick them up."



"The roads are too icy."

"Don't have a device that can drive on icy road."


"Ok." You smile.

"But who is going to pick them up with their parents not finding out I'm your dad."

"Scott and me."

"Ok kid."


You grab my phone and text in the group chat.

Hey my dudes. Since school was cancelled y'all wanna com ovr & sled? ❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄☃☃☃☃☃🌨🌨🌨🌨

May said yas 😃

I'll ask my mom




Gr8 😃

"They can all come." I tell Tony.

"Who all is coming?" Ha asked.

"MJ, Y/b/f/n, Ned and Peter."

"Ok I only know two of them."

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