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Your POV

You sit in the corner of the cell you are in. Wallowing in you thoughts and memories of the past. Like when your mom died when you where 3.


You were at home, Malibu Mansion, your mom and dad were on a work trip. Pepper was watching you for the week. You were sitting on the floor playing with Hotwheels. Pepper was cleaning. The news was playing in the background.

The news reporter said, "Yesterday Tony Stark and his girlfriend, Y/m/n (your mom's name) in a car accident. Y/m/n is reported dead."

Pepper put her hand over her mouth and she had tears in her eyes. She say on the floor by you and hugs you.

You didn't quited understand why she was crying but you hugged her back.

"We have to go to the hospital." She said.

"Why?" You asked.

"To see your dad."

"Oh, ok."

You and Pepper went to the hospital. She told them that you were here niece since no one knew you were Tony's daughter.

You entered the room the your dad was in. He was lying in the hospital bed with one of those nose breathing thing on. (Idk what it's called ಠ_ಠ) His face was cut and he had a cast on his right arm. Tony looked over at you and smiled weakly.

You ran to the side of the bed and climbed onto it. You cuddled into Tony's side. He put his arm around you.

A few months after Tony healed he started to neglect you. He started to drink all the time and turned into a playboy.

When Tony was captured Obadiah Stane. He realized what he was doing to you.

After he escaped and was rescued in the desert and stepped off the the plane, you had thought about running to him and hugging him but you figured he wouldn't care.

He walked towards you. Tony kneeled infront of you. "I'm so sorry for how I treated you. I promise I will never treat you like that again. I love you so much."

"You do?" You asked with tears in your eyes.

"Of course I do, you're my baby girl. I love you, I always have and I always will." Your dad said with tears in his eyes too.

You hugged Tony and buried your head on his shoulder. "I love you more."

He hugged you back. "That's impossible."

Flashback Ends

You put your kneels to your chest and start crying

That was so emotional it made me cry while writing it  😭😭😭😭😭😭😥😥😥

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