My House

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You walk into the kitchen to find Peter sitting at the Island scrolling through YouTube.

"Hey, Spider-boy." You say.

He looks at you, "It's Spider-man."

"Whatever you say Teenage Mutant Ninja Spider."

He chuckles then looks back at his phone.

"Why are you up?"

"I couldn't sleep so I got up to get some water. Then I remember that this isn't my house and I have no idea where stuff is. So I just sat here looking at YouTube."

"I think you should write a book that's like Dork Diaries and Diary of a Wimpy Kid combined. Diary of a Dorky Kid. Yeah. Write it and be famous."

"Yeah... No thanks. I'm good being famous and no one knows that it's me."

"Suit yourself, Parker. Some day I'm gonna be famous."

"For what write Diary of a Dorky Kid?"

"No, dumbass, for owning Stark Industries."

"I honestly forgot about that."

"What a friend you are."

You get up and get you and Peter bottles of water.

You hand a glass to him.

"Thanks." He smiles at you.

You smile back.

He takes a drink of water and you stare at him absentmindedly.

He sets the water bottle down and smiles at you again.

Some invisible force pushes you towards him. He leans towards you. Both of you eyes closing in the process. Your lips almost touch when you were interrupted by a knock at the door. You both pull back and look at each other wide eyed.

"Who would be here at one o'clock in the morning?" Peter asks.

"I could be my dad, but I think he would just call if he wanted to check on me." You whisper back.

"Yeah and I've been sitting out here for hours Laura or Clint didn't leave."

"They have a key so if one of them did they would use the key."


"Peter go get your suit on and wake up Clint." You whisper and stand up.

Peter gets up and runs up stairs.

You walk slowly to the door. Your hands are shaking and so was your breath. You unlock the door. A tall man, about six feet tall, smiles at you.

"Hello, Stark." His voice was gravelly.

You scream and try to run but he grabs you wrist. He drags you out over the house. "PETER!!!!!!!!" You scream. "CLINT!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!"

Peter's PoV

I run up stairs to the room I am staying in and put my Spider Suit on but leave the mask off. I run down the hallway into Mr. and Mrs. Barton's room. They were both still asleep. I walk up to Mr. Barton. "Mr. Barton, Mr. Barton wake up." I shake him. He wakes up.

"What is it Pete, why do you have your su-" He was interrupted by Y/n screaming. He jumps out of his bed shirtless and in Hunger Games pajama pants. He grabs his bow and arrow and we both run down stairs.

"PETER!!!!!!!! CLINT!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!"

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