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You get thrown it to a dark cold cell. They literally threw you. You back hit the hard wall.

You stand up and run at the door to attack them but they shut the door in you face and you run straight into the door metal and it hurt like hell.

You turn around and push you back against the door. You slide down on the door. You sit on the cold hard ground.

You feel something in your pocket. You reach in to you pocket and pull out your phone. You turn it on and it is at 1%.

"Oh shit." You say. You fumble trying to turn it on. You got to you messages. You tap on your dad's name.

You type 'SOS.' Before you can sent it your dies. "Nooooooooo!" You scream then break the phone in half and throw it across the room.

You sit in the dark cell, staring at the wall across from you wondering when your dad will come save you. Then you think of Peter. They said that he's dead but you don't believe them. He can't be dead he's Spider Man. Then next thing you know tears are streaming down your face. You wipe the away.

You continue to think. Clint was willing to die for you. You knew that they were lying when they said that the Avengers don't care. Because you know that they care. You know they love you and you love them. They're your family. They would leave family behind would they? You didn't know all you know is that there was one thing that they weren't lying about. Peter cares about you. No Peter loves you. He would do anything for you. He'd take a bullet for you. He'd take a bullet for your family. He cares too much. That's why love him.

Little did you know Peter is planning to get you out.

Sing Love Save Repeat (Peter Parker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now