The Kids Aren't Alright

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Peter falls to the ground after taking a bullet to the stomach. Clint sits on his knees in front of Peter who is crying. You can't blame him. He just took a bullet to his stomach and his arm is broken. The man grabs you. You are crying and screaming. You try to kick the guy.

Clint grabs his bow. The man holds his gun to your head. "Move and I shoot her." Clint drops his bow.

"NOOOooO!!!! You scream and your voice breaks. You start crying. "cLinT!!! PetER!!!" The guy drags you to their van.

Clint's PoV

The guy was obviously HYDRA. They drove off. With Y/n with them. Tony is gonna kill me.

I look at Peter. His broken arm is clutching his stomach and his other arm is clutching his broken arm. "Y/n. No." He groans between sobs.

"You brave kid." I say to him.

"Tha-" He starts but passes out.

I pick him up and go inside.

"Oh my gosh." Laura says and puts her hands over her mouth. She looks at me. "Where's Y/n?"

"She was kidnapped." I say. I set Peter on the floor and run to get my phone and call Nat.

Natasha's PoV

I wake up when Surfin' Bird by The Trashman starts playing. That is my ringtone for Clint. I guess that it wakes Bucky up too because I feel his arm come off of me.

"Who the hell is calling you at..." Bucky starts to say grogily, he sits up and looks at the clock. "2:24 in the morning."

I grab my phone. Clint was FaceTime-ing me. I answer it. "Hi, Clint. Why are you calling me at 2:24 in the morning."

"Get all the Avengers to the conference room." Clint says.


"Just, do it, please."

"Like I said, why."

"Y/n was kidnapped and Peter was shot."

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