Stressed Out

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Tony's PoV

I am running through the halls of Avengers Facility. I'm gonna take the Quinjet to Iowa and I don't care if I'm still in my pajamas.

"Tony. Stop." Pepper says from behind me.

"What." I turn around.

"Please. Can you wait until morning?"



"I'm sorry. I'm just stressed out."

"It's ok. I understand. Just please don't murder Clint. He didn't do anything wrong. He tried."

"I won't, I promise."

"You can go, but, you're taking Steve with you."


"And put on some real clothes."


I got to my room and put jeans and a cat shirt on.

I go to the Quinjet and Steve is waiting for me.

I fly the jet to Waverly, Iowa.

When we get there, Clint comes running towards us.

"Please, don't kill me."

"Promised Pepper that I wouldn't."

"Peter passed out. We tried to wake him up but nothing worked." Clint informs us as we walk to his house. "Cooper poared freezing cold water over him. Nathaniel screamed in his face. Lila poked his broken arm. Nothing worked."

"Did you try offering him a churro?" I ask.

"No. And we don't have any churros."

We walk inside. A passed out Peter was laying on the floor. He is wet and his suit is soaked with blood.

I kneel beside him. I tap his nose. "Hey Peter. Do you want a churro? Come on Peter. Churro?"

"See nothing works," Clint says.

"We need to get him back to the Facility." Steve says. He picks Peter up and carries him to the Quinjet.

We fly back to the facility and bring Peter to the Med Bay. They remove the bullet and stitch it up. They also put a cast on his arm. I give the nurses one of my cat shirts and sweat pants to put on him.

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