Safe and Sound

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"Y/n HYDRA knows you live here. Clint do you think that you can take her to your Safe House?" Tony asks

"Yeah," Clint answers.

"Peter I want you to go with them."

"Um... Ok." Peter says.

"Why can't we go to Wakanda?"

"T'Challa had some issues in Wakanda. So I'm not sending you there." Tony says

"I don't think there is room in the car for them." "Clint says.

"Clint. You, me and Peter can take my Mustang." You put in.


"You guys will leave at 4am." Tony explains.

"That's really early. But whatever." You complain.

Pierto let's Peter borrow some of his clothes to bring to the Bartons' Safe/Farm house in Waverly, Iowa. Tony let's Peter use his suitcase.

You pack a duffel bag full of clothes. Laura makes you, Peter, Clint, Cooper, Lila and Nathaniel go to bed at 8pm.

The next morning

You were woke you by your dad at 3:30 in the morning. You changed into a sweatshirt and sweatpants. You walk into the kitchen, Pepper, Tony, Peter, Cooper, Lila, Nathaniel (who was asleep in Laura's arms), Clint, and Laura were already there. Lila looks like she is about to fall asleep. Clint was drinking a cup of coffee. Pepper was cooking and Tony look half asleep. Pepper and Laura were the only ones that look fully awake. Peter kept dozing off and when his head would fall sideways he'd jump awake. He was wearing the God's Plan sweatshirt that he got the other day.

"Hey Pepper? Can I have a coffee? And can you get one for sleeping beauty over here, too?" You say and gesture to Peter, who now has his head on the table and asleep. You slap his back, "WAKE UP PARKER!"

"Ow! Go away!" He leans back but the bar stool didn't have a back. He falls backwards onto the floor. "Oh shit that hurt." His eyes we're wide.

You start laughing then he starts laughing. He gets up off the floor and sits back on the bar stool. Once everyone who had coffee finishes it we get ready to leave.

"Bye Pepper, Bye Dad. Love you." You say and hug them.

"I love you too, sweety." Tony says.

You grab your bag and walk out of the door. You, Peter and Clint put your bags in the trunk of your Mustang. You and Pete get in the back and Clint drives.

You and Peter fall asleep and wake up again at 7:30.

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