Fight Song

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You walk out of the cafeteria, go to your locker and Liam is leaning on it.

"Move. Or you will be moved." You say.

"So your with Peter Parker? I thought it was me and you. Liam and Y/n."

"No. I wouldn't date you in a million years."

"You went to homecoming with me."

"No, I didn't."

"You said you would but then you got sick and couldn't come."

"Yeah, I wasn't sick. I told you I was sick but stayed at home and watched The Greatest Showman with my step-mom. So yeah."

"You lied to me!?"

"Yeah. Now move."


"I said move."

"I'm not deaf."

"I wish you were dead. Now move I won't ask another time."

"No, you fucking ugly ass bitch."

"Ok, you asked for it." I knee him where the sun doesn't shine. Then punch him in the face until his nose bled. "I told you to move."

"I need Y/n Lang and Peter Parker in my office now." The principal's voice come over the intercom.

You walk the the office and sit next to Peter.

"The thing that happened at lunch, someone took a video of it and it has been all over social media. There was a lot of inappropriate comments from people from this school. Care explain what happened."

You explain what happened to the principal.

"Ok. So what do you choose for your punishment for disrupting? Cleaning the cafeteria, being expelled or detention for two weeks starting on Monday?"

"One second." You say and then turn to Peter and you make a two person huddle.

"Ok? So which one?" He whispers.

"I do not want to clean the cafeteria. That place smells like shit." You whisper back.

"I don't want to get expelled."

"So.... Detention?"


You both break the huddle.

"Detention." You say.

"You are dismissed." The principal say.

You walk out of his office and go to chemistry. You walk in late.

"Your tardy," The teacher says.

"I know, sorry." You say.

You sit by MJ.

"Why are you late you are rarely late?" She whispers.

"That whole thing that happened at lunch, someone took a video of it and me and Peter got in trouble for it." You whisper back.

"Y/b/f/n said that though. She should get in trouble."

"Yeah. But she is my best friend I can't just get her in trouble."

"Suit yourself."

Sing Love Save Repeat (Peter Parker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now