La La Land

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You three listen to Fall Out Boy for awhile and it was almost time for lunch.

"Hey, Peter?" You ask.

"What?" He responds.

"Does your Spidey-sense feel like that feeling you get when your about to sneeze?"

"Um... Y-Yeah kinda... I guess. Why?"

"I don't know I've just wondered what it feels like."

Clint's phone started ringing, Laura was calling him.

He answered it and put it on speaker. "Hey, honey."

"Hi, we should stop to eat the kids are hungry." Laura says over the phone

"Ok. Where?"

"I don't know where do Y/n and Peter want to go?"

"McDonald's." You and Peter say at the same time then you both blush right after.

"Yeah! McDonald's!" You hear Lila say over the phone.

"McDonald's it is." Laura says. "Bye."

"Bye." You and Peter say at the same time again and both your faces get redder.

"Bye, honey, love ya." Clint's says.

"Love you too." Laura responds and hangs up.

Clint glance back at you and Peter, you're both staring into each other's eyes and blush.

"Awe, cute. I ship it Starker Peter Parker x Y/n Stark. Hehe." Clint says which just makes you and Peter blush more. "That love la la land. Isn't it best thing."

You and Peter look away from each other.

You guys go to the nearest exit and stop at McDonald's. You order what you normally do. You and Peter sit at a different table then the Bartons. Every once in awhile Clint glances at you and Peter and smiles.

"Uncle Clint, just stop. Ok? Just stop." You say clearly annoyed.

"Never." He smiles.

"Uhh!!!!! I'm gonna pour the rest of my frappe on your head!!!"

"You know you like him you can't deny it."

"And I don't deny it. I like him and he knows that I told him well technically Ned told him."

"Pete is she telling the truth?"

"Why would I not be telling the truth?!" You yell at Clint.

"I don't know."

Sing Love Save Repeat (Peter Parker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now