Look What You Made Me Do

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Natasha's PoV

"I'll call you back." I tell Clint over the phone and hang up. I jump out of bed. "Come on, James, we need to wake up the Avengers." I tell Bucky. I walk to our shared closet and grab one of his shirts and throw it to him.

I go to Wanda and Vision's room first since their room is closest to mine.

"Wanda Vision, wake up." I say while shaking them.

"What is it, Natasha?" Wanda asks.

"I have a big announcement to make so go the conference room."

"Are you pregnant?"

"No. I can't get pregnant. It's impossible."

"What is it?"

"Just go. And I don't care if your still in pajamas."

And I go wake everyone else up, who Bucky hasn't alrighty woken up, the same way.

Once everyone is awake I go to the conference room.

I use Tony's Laptop to FaceTime Clint.

"Clint tell them." I say.

"Ok. So. I don't know what happened from the beginning, but I know the end. So basically a HYDRA guy was at my house at 1 in the morning trying to kidnap Y/n. Peter got her out of his grip and attack him. He broke Peter's arm. I shot an arrow at the HYDRA guy and he dodged it. Then he pulled out a gun and pointed it at Y/n. I got my bow ready and he moved his gun towards me. I shot my arrow at him and he dodged it again. He fired his gun at me and Peter jumped in front of the bullet. While I was distracted with Peter he got Y/n. He threatened to shoot Y/n if I moved so I didn't move. They kidnapped Y/n."

Tony was madder than a hornet in a coke can. His was red and fuming with anger.

"Tony, calm down." Pepper says and puts her hand on his shoulder. Tony pushes her hand off of him. He stands up and throws the chair against the walk.

"DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!!!!!!!!" Tony yells and stomps towards the door. He opens it so forcefully that it almost come off its hinges. He looks at the computer. "I'M GONNA MURDER YOU, BARTON!!!!!!!!" He yells through clenched teeth. Then stomps out of the room.


"YES I FUCKING AM!!!!!!" Tony yells back.

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