You Don't Own Me

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Friday Morning

You wake up, get dressed and walk down stairs.

"Good morning, sweety," Tony says.

"Morning." You say.

"Bucky makes some mean waffles. Should try some." Sam says.

"Ok." You sit down by Wanda and Bucky hands me a plate of Waffles.

You take a bite. "OH MY THOR!!!!!! This is the best thing since sliced bread!"

"I worked at Chicken and Waffles back in the 30s." Bucky says. "Steve and I have experience with sliced bread, I mean we were there when it was created."

"I know that. Can you make fried chicken for dinner?"

"Yes, but I can't guarantee that it will be better than KFC."

"Nothing, except Pizza,is better than KFC."

"Ok. Then."

After you finish the delicious waffles you put some waffle in a Zip Lock bag the take to your friends. Happy brings you to school.

You walk in at sit at a table. Ned is that only person eating Breakfast.

"Omg, guys. Bucky made some mean Waffles! Wanna try 'em?"

"Yeah," Ned says.

Everyone else agrees. You hand a waffle to each of your friends.

"Oh my God. That is.... So better than IHop!" MJ says.

"I know right." You say.

The bell rings and you go to class.

3:00 pm

You walk to the detention room with Peter. The teacher has the box TV on at Captain America is on it.

"So, you got detention, you messed up."

Why does Steve even do these things? You think

MJ is sitting at a desk. You sit by her and Peter sits by you.

"Hey, MJ." You say. You know why she's here, she likes to sketch people who are in crisis, so she comes to detention.

"No talking!" The teacher says.

You work on your homework. You get done in five minutes.

You just sit there you end up putting your head in the desk and almost falls asleep. When you hear a gun shot.

Everyone (MJ, Peter, you and the teacher) look towards the door.

Peter stands up and walks to the door and pokes his head out the doorway.

"Who is it?" You ask him.

He shrugged. You walk over to the door and look out.

"It's HYDRA!" You say.

The HYDRA agent walk towards you.

Peter grabs his back pack and runs out the door into the bathroom.

You try to close the door but the agent pushes against it.

He grabs you by the arm and pulls you away.

"Finally you mine. Stark." He says.

You see Spider Man running down the hallway.

"You don't own me." You yell and elbow him in the stomach. He let's go of you.

Peter shoots at web at the guy, kicks him twice and knocks him out.

"What's that?" Peter asks pointing at something.

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