One Kiss

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You take your new suit off and smile at the Avengers who were there.

Peter takes his mask off and smiles at you.

You run to him and hug him. You break the hug and look up at him, "Where were we?"

"Almost here." He says then presses his lips against yours.

You kiss him back and wrap your arms around his neck. You break the kiss, "You're not a good kisser."

"Well in my defense that was my first time."

"You've never kissed anyone before?"


"You are so pathetic but really cute."

Peter's face turns as red as his suit.

"I thought I said no boy until you're 32?!" Tony says.

"I didn't listen." You say.

You and Peter kiss again. "We are gonna work on your kissing skills."

Time Skip to Avengers Facility


ou walk into the living room and your friends and the rest of the Avengers are there.

"Y/n!" They all exclaim.

You smile and give each of them a hug.

A little bit later you when to room and Peter follows you. You sit on your bed Peter sits across from you.

"So... You said you were gonna make me better at kissing how do you plan to do that?"

"Practice makes perfect."

"That's just a saying."

"Shut up and kiss me, Parker."

He leans forward and kisses you. You kiss him back.

"Not bad for a rookie."

"Oh please you're a rookie too."

"No I'm not I've had a boyfriend before. My dad just doesn't know that."


You kiss him again. You didn't hear the door open.

"Yes!" Y/b/f/n squeals.

"Holy shit, you scared me." You say.

"Yas! I worked so hard to get you two together and now you are together."

"No you didn't." You barely did anything.

"Shhh. No one knows that."

You had a crush on Peter for a long time now you were together and you were really happy.

Sing Love Save Repeat (Peter Parker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now