Somethin' Bad

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The guy drags you into the HYDRA van. You keep kicking the man but nothing will work. They finally get you in the van.

They put a needle in your arm and everything goes black.

You wake up. The room was bright and cold. But then again you are wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

You are strapped to a metal chair. You try to move but can't.

"Oh, sweetheart, you're not going to be able to get out there. It can hold The Winter Soldier. It can hold you." So voice behind you says.

"You're HYDRA!! You bastards. My dad and the Avengers will hunt you down and kill you all."

"I'm afraid not. Did you really think they love you? You're your dad's worst mistake. You are a mistake that was never meant to happen. But, HYDRA needs you. You dad's not gonna save you. The only one who would save you is dead."

"Clint was willing to die for me!"

"No. He only did that because him didn't want to look bad in front of his family. The Avengers hate you. Your dad has never cared about you and he never will. Be we will."

"No you won't I know what you did to Bucky. I know what you do. You could never care about anyone. You evil bastards."

"The only Avenger that truly cares about you is that little spider. Too bad he's dead."

"You're all liars. The Avengers do care about me. My dad had told me that he loves me. Your just trying to break me."

"No. They don't car-" You interrupt him.

"LA LA LA LA LA!!!!! I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!! LA LA LA LA LA!!!!!" You yell as loud as you can over and over again.

He puts his hand over your mouth. "You will listen, child."

You bite his hand.

"Ow, you little shit." He says and slaps you.

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