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Peter runs outside, now with his mask on, with Clint on his tail. He shoots a web and you. It wraps around your wrist that is not being held and pulled on. He slides on the ground, being pulled be the guy pulling you.

"Not today you scary bastard!!" Peter yells at the dude who has a hold of your wrist. He shoot another web at the house. He holds onto both of the webs. He holds his ground, literally and figuratively, he makes his feet stick to the ground. The guy finally let's go of you wrist. You stumble forwards and almost fall on your face. Peter grabs you. You hug him tightly.

You pull back. Peter shoots webs at the guy's wrists. The webs wrap around his wrists. Peter pulls the web towards him. "Hi, welcome to Chili's," Peter says then kicks the man. The dude breaks free from the web and throws a punch at Spider-man. Peter bends back. He looks at you and you can tell that he smiles. He stands up straight and throws a punch at the guy. The guy grabs Peter's arm and twists it. You hear a crack. The man let's go of Peter's arm. Peter screams in pain. He holds his arm and retreats towards you.

"My arm." Peter whines. Blood was soaking through his suit.

Clint pulls the bowstring back and far as it can go. He is clearly pissed off. He aims and let's go. He guy bends back the arrow bearly skims over the guys nose.

The guy puts out a gun and points it at you.

Clint puts an arrow on the arrow rest and connect the end of the arrow the the nocking point. The guy moves his gun towards Clint. Clint pulls back the bowstring showing that he would take a bullet for you.

Clint let's go and the arrow flies towards the guy. He leans to the side so the arrow misses him. Then the guy fires his gun at Clint.

Peter runs and jumps in front of Clint. He gets a bullet to the stomach.

Sing Love Save Repeat (Peter Parker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now