What's My Name

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You look at where Peter is pointing it is an arrow with something blue on it.

You look at it. You walks towards it and grab it out of mid air.

It was one of Clint's arrows. With a sticky note on it.

"HAWKEYE!!!" You yell as loud as you can

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"HAWKEYE!!!" You yell as loud as you can.

Clint and Nat come running around the corner.

"Wow. She actually yelled Hawkeye." Nat says.

You smile, "Oh look the spider heroes in the same room."

"How did HYDRA get here?" Clint asks.

"I thought me, Steve, and Sam destroyed them?" Nat says.

"What's HYDRA?" Peter asks.

"S.H.I.E.L.D's arch nemesis." You say. "They are the worst."

MJ walksout of the room. "Oh my God! It's Hawkeye!"

Clint smiles at Nat. "So no one calls me Hawkeye? Huh?"

"I stand corrected."

Clint's POV

Flashback ten minutes ago

Nat and I were on our way to fight HYDRA at Y/n's school because Tony heard that HYDRA was there so he made us go there since he was on a mission.

We get into the school and Nat kills two agents. While I went into a classroom.

There was a teacher in the room. "Can I borrow a sticky note and a pen." She looks at me awkwardly.

"Um... Sure." She hands me a blue sticky note and sharpie pen. I write 'Y/n if you get this yell 'HAWKEYE!!!' as loud as you can.'

"Thank you," I hand the pen back to her.

"What is that?" Nat asks me.

I show it to her.

"No one calls you Hawkeye."

"Yes they do I bet you twenty bucks on it."

I grab an arrow put the note on it and shoot it down the hallway.

About a minute I hear Y/n yell Hawkeye.

Flashback ended

"Twenty bucks," I say to Nat and hold my hand out. She slaps a twenty into it.

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