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You're probably wondering what I'm talking about and who I am. Well, my name is Crystal Rose Katherine Witwicky.

Long name, I know. Mom, Judy Witwicky, had been gardening around her favorite rose bush when her water broke. Dad had been watching Star Crystal, a movie based off aliens attacking a crew on a space station when Judy had realized her water broke. Dad, Ronald or Ron Witwicky, had taken her to the hospital. My parents had Katherine already picked out but then argued on a first name being either Rose or Crystal. They decided both. I was born in 1986, June 13. A Friday at that.

But that's getting off topic. That's not really what I'm here to tell you about. I am the second youngest descendant of the great explorer, Captain Witwicky. And through his great Arctic discovery, my brother and I's destiny lay waiting for fate to guide us there.


I do not own anything in the Transformers franchise but I do own Crystal Rose Katherine Witwicky and any of my twists that I put into this franchise's timeline.

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