Chapter 1: Where It Begins

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Qatar, Middle East. Present Day

"Oh, God, five months of this... I can't wait to get a little taste of home. A plate of Mama's Alligators Étouffée... mmm." Figueroa, most commonly known as Fig, says.

"You've been talking about barbecued gators and crickets for the last two weeks. I'm never going to your Mama's house, Fig. I promise." Epps says.

"But Bobby, Bobby..." Fig starts.

"I'm never going to your Mama's house." Epps repeats.

"Bobby, gators are known to have the most succulent meat." Fig tries.

"I understand." Epps says.

Figs decides he will switch to Spanish instead. We all groan in annoyance. Epps starts mocking Figs' Spanish before continuing.

"English, please. English." Epps interrupts.

William decides to lean forward and help Epps out.

"I don't... I mean, how many times have we... we don't speak Spanish! I told you that!" He says.

Figs looks at him.

"Why you got to ruin it for me, man? That's my heritage!" Figs complains before going on in Spanish.

I laugh at the children they call men. We've been having these kind of conversations every-time we're on a plane with nothing to do other than talk. We've been together for at least 6 years.

"Fine. Go with the Spanish. Whatever." Will mumbles, leaning back in his seat beside me.

"He ain't gonna listen to ya, Lennox." I laugh at him. "No matter how many times you ask." I add.

"Hey, you guys remember weekends? Huh?" Donnelly speaks up to shut Figs up. "The Sox at Fenway. Cold hot dog and a flat beer?"

"Perfect day." Epps says.

"What about you, Captain?" Figs says, looking at Will. "You got a perfect day?"

"Nah..." Will says, looking at us. "I usually have to deal with this troublemaker." He adds as he points to me.

I mock hurt as I look at him with a hand over my heart.

"After all I've done for you?" I say, mocking crying.

The others all laugh.

"You're fine." Will laughs.

"Well you're the one who thought it'd be cheaper getting a place together." I say. "You could've gotten a place by yourself and gotten married or something." I add.

"Dealing with you is enough." Will laughs.

"Awww..." The others all say.

"He's adorable." Donny says.

"That's too..." Epps starts.

"Shut up." Will mutters.

I laugh, seeing red on his cheeks.

"So when you two getting together?" Epps asks.

"Yeah, you already live together!" Fig adds.

"Why not add a ring to it?" Donny decides to join.

Now it's my turn to turn red. Ever since I joined the team, all these boys know how to do is pick on Will and I. Saying we should get together just because we live in the same house.

You're probably wondering what I'm talking about and who I am. Well, my name is Crystal Rose Katherine Witwicky. Long name, I know. Mom, Judy Witwicky, had been gardening around her favorite rose bush when her water broke. Dad had been watching Star Crystal, a movie based off aliens attacking a crew on a space station when Judy had realized her water broke. Dad, Ronald or Ron Witwicky, had taken her to the hospital. I was born in 1986, June 13. A Friday at that. My parents had Katherine already picked out for my middle name but then argued on a first name being either Rose or Crystal. They decided both.

Now as the what? I had met William Lennox in High School. We had always been friends and, after graduating, decided that we wanted to move out of our two families' homes. At the time, we figured it would be cheaper to get a place together since we knew we could trust each other. We had also joined the military together. I'm the first lieutenant of our group of soldiers. William's Captain and Epps' my second in command. We'd all had the closest relationship, the three of us being together since at least boot camp. Our family only grew when Donnelly, Figs, and the rest of the crew came.

Once we land back at base, we all unload. I look around, hearing all the chattering of the soldiers. I see General Morshower up ahead, waiting for me. I split from the group, walking up to him before saluting. He salutes back before we walk.

"I still do not understand why I should go home early, General." I say.

"We need extra medical personnel on the plane taking our wounded men home. You've been the best one we have so it only makes sense, Lieutenant." He says.

"When do I leave?" I ask.

"Ten minutes." He says. "Say your goodbyes and head to the plane with the wounded." He adds before leaving.

I sigh before walking. After a minute or two of walking, I see the guys talking. I hand my bag to one of the soldiers leaving with me before going over to my crew.

"Hey." I call out.

They look at me with looks of sadness. They must've been informed of my early dismissal.

"How come you get to go first?" Epps asks, putting an arm over my shoulder.

"Morshower said I've been the best medical personnel backup we have that can go with the wounded home so it only makes sense." I say.

"You're gonna keep in touch right?" Will asks as he puts an arm over Epps' arm on my shoulder so he's on my other side.

"Of course! Someone has to keep tabs on the children." I say.

"Hey!" The others laugh.

"We're gonna miss ya, Kat." Donny says.

"Yeah. It'll be weird without you, Senorita." Figs says.

"You can't leave me here!" Epps whines. "Especially with Figs!" He adds.

I laugh with the others.

"Orders are orders, Epps." I say, laughing at his face.

"Damn it... I tried at least." Epps laughs.

"Video call me when you can." I say to them. "I'll do my best to have my laptop up and waiting on Skype for you guys." I add.

"When you leave?" Donny asks.

"Any minute now." I answer.

"When do you land?" Figs asks.

"Eight hours after lift off I think." I say. "I'm going to be sore being in a plane for how many hours on top of just getting off from how many hours." I whine.

They laugh at me.

"Well at least you can take a decent shower and relax when you get home." Will says.

"Yeah. I think I'm going to stay with my parents and lil bro. Drop in and surprise them ya know." I say, looking up to him.

Out of nowhere, all the guys attack me with a group hug. I laugh as I'm now in the middle. After a minute of hugging, Will walks me over to the plane while the others go to the courts to play basketball with Epps.

"You'll Skype me later right?" I ask, turning to look up to him.

"Yeah, of course." He says.

He wraps his arms around me in a final hug.

"I'll be waiting to talk to you in eight hours. If you get home early or later, just call. I'll be waiting." He says.

"Ok. Keep an eye on the children will ya." I joke, gaining a laugh from him.

"No promises." He smiles. "They're waiting on you. You better go." He adds, nodding his head towards my plane.

"K... I'll see you later." I say, waving to him as I get on to the aircraft.

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