Chapter 11: No Place Like Home

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"Hey... Wake up."

"I don't wanna..." I whine, cuddling up in the blankets.


I open an eye to look at my best friend.

"Don't Crystal me, William." I say before closing my eyes again.

Next thing I know, the blankets is taken from me.

"Come on!" I whine, sitting up. "This is supposed to be our lazy time... We both know we're not going to get much of it when we're on call with the Autobots..." I say.

He grabs my hands and pulls me up to stand, putting my arms around his neck while his moves around my waist.

"Which is why we're going to go out today." He says. "I'm going to make breakfast while you get ready."

"Where are we going?" I ask, looking him in the eyes.

"That's above your clearance." He smiles.

"So you're ordering me now?" I ask.

"If I have to, Captain." He says.

"Is that so, Major?" I ask.

He leans forward and kisses me before pulling back.

"Fine." I mumble.

"You won't regret it." He chuckles, happy for this win.

"I better not, Sir." I say.

I kiss him before going to get my clothes. After getting a quick shower, drying off,  getting dressed, and then the rest of my morning routine, I get out of the bathroom before going downstairs to the kitchen. I smile as I lean against the door frame, watching Will plating the food. He looks up before smiling.

"Like what you see?" He asks.

I stop leaning before walking over to the chair beside him.

"Depends what you think I see." I say, gaining a grin from him as he shakes his head.

He passes one of the plates to me before moving around to sit beside me.

"Just eat." He playfully says.

I laugh at him before we eat the eggs, bacon, and toast he made. Soon enough, we finish breakfast before cleaning the plates and getting what we needed.

"Can you tell me where we're going?" I ask, walking backwards towards our Autobot protector.

"Nope." He smiles. "And Ironhide doesn't know either so don't ask him." He adds when I turn around.

"That's not fair." I say.

We finally get to Ironhide who was watching the horses run around. He looks to us before transforming into his vehicle form. I turn to Will.

"Could I get a hint?" I ask.


I groan as he smiles, knowing all-to-well that I hate not knowing things. I go into the passenger side while Will takes the driver's side. Ironhide makes sure our seat belts are on before he lets Will take control of where we go. I lean back in my seat as I look out the window to watch the passing scenery.

'A lot has happened since the Battle of Mission City a few months ago... From Megatron's remains being dumped into the deepest part of the ocean, to the human-Autobot alliance dubbed NEST... Will being promoted from Captain to Major. Me being promoted from First Lieutenant to Captain... I wonder what can be right around the corner...'

"Whatcha thinking about?" I hear Will ask.

I turn and look at him.

"Everything that's happened since Mission City." I say.

He nods, a smile coming to his face.

"I like to think that as since we got together." He says.

I laugh.

"You kissed me. We weren't officially together until we were allowed to come home for rest a few days later." I say.

"We wouldn't be together if it wasn't for me kissing you." He says, glancing over to me before watching the road again.

I smile at him.

"We wouldn't be friends if I hadn't saved your ass from getting detention in high school." I challenge.

He looks at me, eyes wide.

"You-you saved me?" He asks, glancing to the road and back to me. "How'd you save me?"

"You know, teacher's pet getting picked on by a jock before another jock, who also happened to be her neighbor, comes over and pushes the bully away, teacher comes and sees the fight, teacher's pet goes and tells the teacher something that gets her neighbor out of detention." I summarize.

"I remember that as a jock trying to get too close to the pretty cheerleader who happened to be my neighbor and I pushed him away before he touched somewhere he shouldn't, then a teacher came and was told that the jock was trying to touch the pretty cheerleader and I had no chance of a detention because I was that teacher's favorite." He says.

"As if." I say, playfully nudging his side.

"I'm trying to drive here." He says, not looking at me as he swats my hand away.

"You could just tell Ironhide where we're going and you wouldn't have to." I say.

He smiles before grabbing my hand in his as he glances over to me.

"It's a surprise." He says, kissing the back of my hand before looking forward again.

I sigh as I lean back again with his hand holding mine. I close my eyes as I have nothing else to do.

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