Chapter 12: Surprise, Surprise

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"Kat." I hear before opening my eyes.

I sit up and stretch a little to wake up a bit more before I look over to Will.

"We're here." He says before Ironhide opens both of the doors, taking our seat belts off at the same time.

I hop out before taking in our surroundings. I take a few steps forward before looking into the water of the lake. Arms wraps around my waist and pulls me against the owner.

"How long was I out?" I ask, considering we are in the middle of a dense forest, by a large and beautiful lake, and the sound in the air being only of nature and not anything else.

'We lived a bit away from civilization as it was... How long did I sleep?'

Instead of an answer, I hear Will chuckle. I turn my head to look at him.


"Look." He says, pointing somewhere across the lake.

I turn and look before my eyes widen slightly at the site I somehow I missed. I look to Will, seeing his smile.

"You've always wanted to stay in a log cabin in the woods. I saved up for a while to get it." He smiles. "And trust me, it was hard enough to find it, let alone, without you finding out." He adds.

"Hey!" I playfully say with mock hurt as I playfully elbow his side, considering he has me pressed up against his chest.

He chuckles before kissing my cheek. He then turns me, hands on my waist as mine go to his shoulders.

"Before we go over there, there's something else I've gotta do." He says, seemingly getting slightly nervous about something.

"What is it?" I ask, slightly worried he had bad news like us having to go back to work before we finish our break.

He steps back before holding my hands. He takes in a deep breathe before kneeling down. My eyes slightly widen as I instinctively straighten up.

"We've known each other for a long time... And I know I should've asked you out years before I did and that we haven't been a couple for that long either... But with our line of work, and with us having to deal with aliens now, I feel that if I don't ask you now, I'll never have another chance to and I want to spend the rest of my life with you more than we already are because I love you." He says.

He let's go of my hands before grabbing a small black box from his pocket. Once again, I let my instincts lead me as I put my hands over my mouth as I feel tears in my eyes.

'I always thought that moments like these in movies were so overrated... But it's most definitely not...'

"Crystal Rose Katherine Witwicky, will you marry me?" He asks as he opens the box to reveal a beautiful ring.

I smile and nod, being in shock still keeps me speechless. I wrap my arms around him before kissing him. I pull away and smile to him.

"Yes!" I smile. "Yes, yes, yes! I will marry you, William Lennox." I say, very excited now.

He smiles and kisses me, the two of us now standing in each other's embrace. We break the kiss so he can put the ring on my finger. Once it was on, I looked at it before looking up to him.

"You have good taste in jewelry, William." I say, looking him in the eyes with a mischievous smile.

I barely hear a muffled chuckling noise from where Ironhide is in his truck form. Will looks back to him before to me while I keep my smile.

"I think Ironhide agrees with me." I say.

He shakes his head, wrapping an arm around me to put me in a headlock.

"You shouldn't be doing this to your fiancee!" I complain as he keeps me like that as he guides me back towards Ironhide.

He lets me go and kisses me.

"That sounds amazing..." He mutters.

"Fiancee?" I ask before gaining a nod. "How about when it becomes Mrs. Lennox?" I ask, wrapping my arms around his waist and my chin on his chest.

"I'd really like that when it comes." He says. "Until then, how bout a tour?" He suggests, reminding me of the cabin.

I give him a kiss before letting go of him and running to the other side of Ironhide to get into the passenger seat.

"Congratulations." Ironhide says as soon as we're both inside.

"Thanks, Hide." I say as he drives up to the cabin.

Once Will and I get out, Ironhide informs us that he was going to patrol the area before leaving. I look to Will before to the cabin. Will unlocks the door before opening it. I start to go in before Will literally sweeps me off my feet. I give a squeal of surprise as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Will!" I yell, only receiving his laughter.

He then walks inside with me before closing the door with his foot.

"You know this is what you do after you get married, ya know?" I ask as I look up to my fiance.

"Getting my practice in." He smiles, giving me a kiss before he lets me stand on my own.

We take our shoes off before I start looking around the place with Will as my guide.

The front door leads to an open layout of a living room on the left and a large kitchen and dining area on the right. In the middle of the two is a hallway that leads to a small exercise room on the left and then a door that leads to a half-bath and stairs to the right. In our little gym, there's a mat for sparring in the middle, a punching bag in the far corner, a bench with weights in another corner. Once it must've been enough time spent in the room, Will leads me upstairs.

Because it's not that large of a cabin, all the upstairs is a full bathroom, a closet with enough room for both of our clothing, as well as the most important part of any house, the master bedroom.

"Thank you." I say, turning to look to my childhood best friend.

He smiles.

"Anything for you." He says.

"I love you." I say, wrapping my arms around him.

"I love you too." He says, wrapping his arms around me.

We stand in each other's embrace for a minute before Will places a kiss on my head.

"I gotta surprise for you." He says, now looking down to me.

"Bought a cabin for us, asked me to marry you, now there's more? I love you even more." I smile as he chuckles.

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