Chapter 13: Surprise Number Two To Finish The Day!

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"Can I take the blindfold off now?" I ask, growing impatient.

Will chuckles, knowing I hate having no sight.

"Just a little bit longer." He says.

I cross my arms as I sit there, listening to him setting something on the ground in front of me. I soon here a door open and then footsteps coming back over before stopping in front of me.

"Ok." He says before I take the blindfold off my eyes.

I look to see him sitting in front of me with a box in between of us. I glance over to him before grabbing the lid of the box. I lift it off before looking in and seeing... a bed? I set the lid down and take out the bed before looking at Will in confusion since we don...

"You didn't..." I gasp before seeing him smiling.

He gives a short whistle before the sound of running comes closer. I turn around in time to get tackled to the ground by a fur ball. I laugh as it licks my face, Will laughing at my predicament. Will soon helps me before pulling me onto his laps as the canine, a young German Shepherd, before us sits and wags its tail.

"This little guy was found on base a few days ago with no trace of who he belongs too. So, I had Epps bring him over here last night since I adopted him for you." Will says.

I wrap my arms around him before kissing him.

"Most definitely the best day ever!" I cheer, gaining a bark from our canine and a chuckle from my fiance.

I look up to Will, thinking of a question I need an answer to.

"What's his name?" I ask.

"There's an interesting story with that." He says, smiling. "He was found sneaking into the hangar with the bots. While the soldiers were trying to catch him, he ended up jumping into Ironhide's truck bed. Someone told Ironhide not to transform, well yelling for Hide not to transform." He continues, our canine companion barking when he said 'Hide'.

I laugh at the irony.

"Come here, Hide." I say before the canine comes over.

He stops right in front of us before laying down, his head on my lap as he looks up to me with his puppy eyes.

"You're so adorable." I coo to him.

"I think that we agree on you being the adorable one." Will says as he wraps his arms around me.

Hide barks, causing us to laugh before he starts nuzzling his snout into me as Will and I pet him. We spend the rest of the night playing before we decide to go to bed, Hide going to his bed that we set up beside our's.

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